Now just how do you dispose of them ,having recently attending a house party and the host finding a number of used and discarded condoms lying around it raised the question of the right way of disposing of the bloody things. As a woman I don't really see it as my responsibility to worry about such things my main concern is that its used in the first place.
Well that is a very good point..
With todays health and safety rules and laws. I believe you have to first get an assessment, then the house and neibouring houses have to be cornered off, then 2 men in full hazmat suit have to come and dispose of the biologic hazard.
You will also be charged a yearly fee, for deep protective storage of the materials
of course, you could be enviromential friendly and throw them in the recycling .. lol
A pay party what a ridiculous notion surely thats not :swingingchair:
Maybe the party host could put a small bin and bin liner in each play room for such items!
I assist in puttin em on and making sure they end up filled even make sure they are available so why should I be concerned as to how he disposes of it, unless it ends up in my hand bag in which case I don't think we would be meeting again.
Hey BIoke just noticed it says your godlike amusing , a deity in the making mine however says I need to get out so true