I work for a German company
and some of the keyboards at work are the German standard.
This means some of the letters are in a different place.
That gets really confusing.
Luckily i aint a touch typist so i dont make to many mistakes.
I usually find 2 fingers work quite well anyway.
Suppose you could just load a voice control programme and forget the keyboard alltogether.
That said, just talking to your pc cant be as satisfying as banging away on the keyboard ... :shock:
We spent a few weeks in France in the summer, and occasionally managed to cadge internet access. The problem was, not only did the keyboard have a very different layout, but someone else who was out there with us fiddled with the settings.
We ended up not only having a keyboard with all the letters in the "wrong" place- but when she'd messed with the languages the letter you typed ended up as something else entirely- s would be w etc. Imagine how long it was taking to send a basic email
:shock: :shock: