odd that both interviewees finished with the exact same words don't you think?
there is always sum killjoys out there ,
god, ppl will bloody moan about everything.
anyways 2BIG was on about that place,is it any good mark?
she wants to get rid of that bloody dog if it's causing that much noise and nuisance.
Meh, they're only complaining because they're too repressed to do it themselves. I mean, what's the world coming to when people can :shock: enjoy :shock: sex? It's armageddon, I tell you, armageddon! :scared:
Not quite the same thing but...
In my last employment, the company I was with decided to oppose the scrapping of Section 28 and tried to make all employees sign a petition to send to whoever, I didn't really care
I declined and was not looked upon favourably.
What happened to freedom of choice?