My sex drive has gone thru' the roof in the last couple of everyone elses ??????
*stupid question on a swingers site but i still decided to ask*
Quote by LoMax2001
Erm, not sure what you are asking really....?
You do not tell us you age or situation. MOst peoples sex drive changes during there life. So what do you want to know ?
Quote by mr filth
Erm, not sure what you are asking really....?
You do not tell us you age or situation. MOst peoples sex drive changes during there life. So what do you want to know ?
Quote by mr filth
My sex drive has gone thru' the roof in the last couple of everyone elses ??????
*stupid question on a swingers site but i still decided to ask*
Quote by janeandwill
I think it is a case of the more sex you have the more you want, but when you aren't getting any your sex drive seems to adjust and you can cope with the lack of it.
A bit like Pringles really, "once you pop you can't stop."
Quote by naughtynymphos1
Erm, not sure what you are asking really....?
You do not tell us you age or situation. MOst peoples sex drive changes during there life. So what do you want to know ?
Quote by Sarah
My sex drive has gone thru' the roof in the last couple of everyone elses ??????
*stupid question on a swingers site but i still decided to ask*
Quote by mr filth
Erm, not sure what you are asking really....?
You do not tell us you age or situation. MOst peoples sex drive changes during there life. So what do you want to know ?
Quote by naughtynymphos1
Erm, not sure what you are asking really....?
You do not tell us you age or situation. MOst peoples sex drive changes during there life. So what do you want to know ?