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Validations Page??

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Don't know if this has been suggested rolleyes
But any chance of putting a validations page/section on peoples if you did say meet up with someone you could say that they are genuine and have met them etc
go on someone post the link lol
Hi there
In theory this might seem like a great idea .......... stop time wasters etc .......... in practice though it may be open to all sorts of abuse. People fall out, add something nasty to ruin someone elses reputation ...... and so on ......
You're not the first to suggest it and no doubt won't be the last, but it's not workable and we're told won't happen on SH .... Thank goodness
Alleyson x
He said the V word lol
Sorry mate its not the done thing. I fell ito this one myself .
Quote by Darkfire
go on someone post the link lol

I daren't :shock:
think that detracts a bit from the discretion this scene requires, surely if people have played and need vouching for, a pm from someone should be enough to verify. i dont see a need for it myself, i certainly wouldnt want my name on any validation thingy
EArthy xx
:bounce: :bounce: an all out war thread :bounce: :bounce:
i wonder if it would actually go the same way though opinions, new contributors etc.... if left to run ? :idea:
i'm still fetching me tin hat, just in case lol bolt
That's all we need DF - Jags has cleaned out the Steam Room today - she won't be happy if it all moves into this thread! :shock: lol
I don't really have anything to add to this thread - it is just a blatant excuse to stalk FB :twisted: :twisted:
Will innocent
Quote by willxx69
I don't really have anything to add to this thread - it is just a blatant excuse to stalk FB :twisted: :twisted:
Will innocent

Who says you need an excuse - don't lag too far behind me :twisted:
In edit: don't get too close either, my bum ain't that pretty lol
Quote by Freckledbird
That's all we need DF - Jags has cleaned out the Steam Room today - she won't be happy if it all moves into this thread! :shock: lol

NO. she's bloody well not! And we are bloody well not going down this road again, it's a cul-de-sac, dead end, no through road and blind alley. As well as a red herring, a doppelganger and a non-starter!
If anyone can think of any more appropriate cliches feel free to PM them to me. Meanwhile...
wave :wave:
i was joking!!!!!!!! :shock:
well, kinda. I expect it would be exactly the same arguements as before really, and the outcome the same, but the 'V' word ( lol ) has been bought up alot recently by folk who wern't around at the time of the original debate... maybe its time we had a re-run of why we dont do or even say the naughty word :lol: for the benefit of those who dont know dunno
Oh, and i'll apologise to all for the naff use of bouncy emoticons in my previous post - i'm not spoiling for a fight and everyone to start falling out etc but i do like 'debate' threads biggrin