It's easy to find terms to categorise others, it's a natural component as to how humans interact socially. It's simply quicker to define a group, a social set, a lifestyle choice with somewhat of a misnomer.
In the same way that we describe ourselves as being, English or perhaps British, a section of existence that is characteristic of our choices and individuality is usually grouped by a universal term for simplicity.
I think that the term Vanilla is not terribly offensive but you do raise a very valid point, do those who chose not to play come under this category, it really does somewhat render the person ascribed this name as being a little dull or one dimensional.
I'm happily bi, but this term does not in anyway reveal or even reach the summation of my sexuality and my personal quirks.
Try not to be offended because others are categorising you or them simply to make a distinction, at the risk of going all 'oprah', you are defined by what and who you are not which group you happen to fall into when someone else is trying to categorise you.
Amber xx
I though vanilla was used to describe those that practiced the more usual types of sexual activity? I originally heard the term more as used non-vanilla... Meaning the more avant-garde fringe sexual activities.
Anais. You are quite happy to be a non-swinger so it comes across thats cool. Hey why not, it's nice to have an eclectic mix of people.
Heck I dont even think i'm really a swinger, whatever one of those is. Though I have swang/swong/swung on the odd occasion
Seems a bit picky to me. If vanilla, or any other term, is used in a derogatory or offensive way then fair enough, but it wasn't. It is just shorthand for those who choose not to swing and has no connotation of good or bad. There is more than enough PC comment on perfectly appropriate words already without adding another. Just my opinion of course.
Rich, fresh, full dairy cream.
Large fresh, free-range, golden yolked eggs.
Golden demerera sugar
Finest cured pods of the vanilla orchid
Not just any icecream
S&M vanilla I scream
Being into some very naughty stuff (no never!), I can as easily be vanilla (my definition-straight sex, nothing kinky).
Depends on my mood I suppose. Dont go with labels though, I just am what I am. Like or lump it :shock: