currently sat here getting ready for a vanilla date n wondering if i'm wasting my time.
ok within the swinging scene i'm not meeting atm due to the fact i'm not sure how i stand being here as a single fem (privately) I joined as a cpl n enjoyed meets as a cpl n not sure if now as a single fem i can swing anyway aside from that ... can you really move onto vanilla relationships after experiencing swinging, atm i'm not too sure wether i can n that maybe i just need to find a partner who shares the same interests ie within the swinging community.
advice from other single fems greatly appreciated
Awwwwwwwwww Whips, go out on your date and hold no preconceived expectations regarding anything. How about just relaxing with the aim of enjoying yourself and letting your date enjoy himself, I'm assuming it's a him,
Seriously glad for you going out on a date though - best of luck mate
i bet he dont like a fat slapper like you xxxxxxxxx (injoke b4 anyone has a go lol)
chelle hun go on the date and have a blast. it doesnt have to be any more than a 1 date thing if there is no chemistry there, just as in swinging take it on the chin and move on or move forward.
finding a partner who swings is possibly the ideal but not the end of everything if what you have as a vanilla is everything you hope for.
i am not renowned for being quiet in what i do for a hobby even to vanilla friends and work colleagues and i find that most are at the very least curious about the lifestyle and could at least cope with the social side of swinging, it is how you feel and cope with vanilla that is important. could you be happy with the same partner and could you be honest with them not only with what you want in your future but also what you have done in your past.
i am answering this as you know me and that i have been swinging as a single fem and as a couple, also as a vanilla (i was scared and a newbie)
the swinging world(my swinging world) will be the poorer if you turn vanilla but if thats what your heart desires then i wish you all the luck in the world and big kisses from us.
good luck in your decisions and dont be a stranger on msn or fb just say hi from time to time
sara xxxxxxxxx
the swinging world(my swinging world) will be the poorer if you turn vanilla but if thats what your heart desires then i wish you all the luck in the world and big kisses from us.
good luck in your decisions and dont be a stranger on msn or fb just say hi from time to time
sara xxxxxxxxx
thas the point sara i dont wanna go anywhere i love the freedom that 'the lifestyle' gives you but i think i can only enjoy it as a cpl, i dont honestly think i cud do the whole vanilla thing so i'm stuck in a whole catch 22 situ arghhhh
date went ok btw well put it this way he had his own hair/teeth n dint lie about his height
went downhill when he said his ex had run off wiv a woman n he dint undertstand the attraction lol
I'm a single fem as you know Whippy... and have pretty much lost interest in the whole 'swingig scene'. It's just not the same anymore.
On the other hand i've had nothing but bad luck where love is concerned. If I meet somebody I would prefare they was vanilla and also rather not go down the 'swinging' road with them. I've kinda hit a stage in my life where I want to meet somebody for me and not to share. Does that sound selfish?
Lil x
I joined the site as a single female after many failed vanilla relationships because i couldnt live with being celibate!
Ive met some lovely people who will be lifelong friends and i have learnt a lot about myself and relationships, i am much more confident and relaxed with regards to men so when i am asked to go on a vanilla date i treat it much like a first meet, have no great expectations, take it slowly in getting to know that person and if at the end of the date i know its not going anywhere thats ok, i take it in my stride and think ofit as a pleasant night out, i also found it a bit too demanding when i met a guy who kept wanting to see me and i started to feel like i had lost my freedom
as a single female i like the freedom and control of my own life, meet when i want to and who i want whether they are vanilla or swinger
ive not been part of a couple swinging so cant compare to how it must feel to be suddenly single but i would suggest not thinking too much about it, go with the flow, enjoy yourself, keep up with the socials at least, dont have any expectations and who knows you may just meet your next partner vanilla or swinger
i am usually an open book about who i am, most people who know me know my preferred lifestyle but i learnt recently not to mention swinging to vanilla guys too early
good luck whiplash whichever way you choose to go x
- my advice my darlin is go with whatever you are comfortable with - just be yourself because the perfect person will love you for who you are - swinger or vanilla.