My thoughts are with you.
Bart, my next Southern Comfort will be raised to you, I still owe you one.
Thanks to all you of you for these wonderful, loving messages. Bart would be totally overwhelmed, he really didnt think anyone liked him or "got" him. I got him, and he will always be in my heart. The house seems empty without him, i miss him making my coffees which he did all day plus a cracker with cheese. I didnt sleep at all last night, just kept going over and over what happened and wondering how the hell am i going to cope? He really was my rock. My friend is here at the moment, cleaning up blood for all over the front door, there were lunatics out fighting last night and i had to call the police ... felt so vulnerable and scared. Bart, i need u here babe!!
Its really helping to talk to you and altho we havent been around on the site for ages, i knew i could count on you. Thanks
Suze xxx
Sad time for you Suze :sad: and our thoughts are with you
sad sad news he was a lovely man my heart goes out to you xxx
Suze even though we dint speak to you or Bart,we often saw you about the site,our condolences go out to you and your family,always remember the good times you had together xxxxxx Trev & Julie xxxxx
No One Can Know
No one can know just what you've lost;
No one can understand the cost;
But when you feel your energy drain,
Please count on us to help ease your pain.
Let us help you cope with grief;
We hope with time you'll feel relief.
We can't replace the one who's gone,
But let our concern help you carry on.
Our best wishes and thoughts are with you and your family at this very difficult time
Suze....What can we say, I just want to reach out and give you the biggest hug ever. We are sat reading this, shocked and crying. We will remember Bart with great fondness.
Much love to you and your family.
Busty and Mollman
I was completely shocked when the tragic news reached me this morning, but this has been my first chance to get online and pass on my deepest condolences to you.
I cannot remember where or even when it was, but I have a very distinct memory of having a lovely chinwag with Bart at a social, his warm kind personality, genuine interest and smile just shining through as he did.
Thank you for sharing your last day with him with us all, I was most touched by it.
:Very big hug:
Harry Jones
Darkfire wanted to pass on her sympathy and to say she is so sorry for you loss and is thinking of you and yours at this time
Earthy x
Just wanted to add mine and Morbius love to all that given.
Callie x
Another totally gobsmacked one here :shock:
I've met you guys at loads of munches and socials (the last one being Kits 50th a few months ago i think) and it was always nice to see you both.
I do remember loads of us squeezing into the Beemer (Betty, i think you called her) after one munch and zipping round the multi story on the way back to the hotel.
I'm totally lost for anything useful to say, if there is such a thing at times like this, but just wanted to send you a big hug :therethere:
We're so sorry and shocked to hear your terrible news Suze. Our thoughts are with you and hope that time heals you :therethere:
Fee and Laird
Read this over the road and we are both shocked and saddened to hear this news.
Our sincerest condolences to you, and Bart's family and our thoughts are with you.
Dino and Hornyred xxxx
I saw this last night and I've spent most of today trying to think of something useful or comforting to write, but obviously there isn't anything that will make things better for you right now. Others have suggested avenues for you to explore so I'll just let you know our thoughts are with you.
There is really nothing that anyone can say, except to let you know that we are all thinking of you. Although we never met I do remember bart's postings on the forums.
I hope that the posts that have been made here today and the very obvious affection that they show are some comfort for you. Grief is hard to bear and, in the coming months (and even years) will creep up on you when you least expect it. Talking to people WILL help and, as Choon so wisely says, wallowing is perfectly allowable - and even necessary.
Talk to friends (or, indeed, anyone) and please consider my inbox open if I can help at all.
Take very good care and our thoughts are with you.
Sending hugs and kisses.
I am so sorry and shocked to here this news.
It is always sad when someone you know passes away and so young.
There is never any reasoning behind it....
I too agree about living your lives to the full.
Hi Suze, we are really shocked and sad to hear about Bartdutch. We shared a few beers at some socials a few years back and he was a lovely bloke. I can't imagine how you feel at the moment, our thoughts are with you
Carl and Marie
Hi Suze
I am shocked to hear the sad news about Bart he really was one of the good guys and don't worry yourself over what is the right thing to do, you deal with your grief as you see fit and if that means coming on here often then so be it. I know right now its farthest from your thoughts but don't be afraid to smile when you remember the good times.
Markz xxx
Suze, I'm so incredibly sorry to hear this awful news... I can't even begin to imagine how you're feeling. We're both thinking of you and your family and feeling so terribly sad for you. Anyone who ever saw you two together knows how in love you were and how happy you made each other. I've been around the same forums and munches as you for years , since before you met, I think, and I've seen how much happiness, security and confidence your relationship has given you. It's the cruellest thing imaginable for him to be taken from you after such a short time... But I am so glad for you both that you met, and loved each other, and had the years that you did.
I will remember Bart most clearly whirling me around the dance floor at one munch or another - he was an excellent dancer :-) - and we'll be thinking of him and of you in the next days and weeks. Wishing you strength and love.
Nicki and Chris x
I'm so sorry this has happened to you Suze. I know how much grief hurts and I can only echo other's sentiments that if you let it out and talk as much as you need to it will help with the healing process.
Please know that my thoughts are with you at this sad time.
Fire xxxx