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This is for all the people who want a drink & a chat but can't get out!! I can be bar manager for an hour if anyone can take over!! I'm gonna start with just a half (can't get too tipsie if I'm behind the bar!! Should be going to Yorks munch 2nite but our babysitter has let us down! Oh sod it I'll have a pint! anyone want to join me?
yep we were going too but found out the other week that kev was working so we had to pull out boo hoo. so ill have a pint of larger and black to start with, and ill apologise now if i get too pissed drinkies
Pint of lager & black coming up!! will have another with u if I may going down very nicely!!
hi ya there... well the last few weeks have been really crap for me!!! :cry: could do with a few stiff drinks if the offer is open to me??
As a teetotaller, I'll pass on the alcohol.....................but if you have one of those all-singing, all-dancing coffee machines behind the bar, mine's a latte!
Quote by boldie
hi ya there... well the last few weeks have been really crap for me!!! :cry: could do with a few stiff drinks if the offer is open to me??

the offer is open to everyone so come on in pull up a chair and let the drinks flow :cheers:
are they still going down nicely hisandhers, go on, you twisted my arm ill have another same again please biggrin :D
Latta coming up !! This bar caters for everyone getting busy in here anyone fancy covering the bar so I can have a wee? redface
Quote by hisandhers
Latta coming up !! This bar caters for everyone getting busy in here anyone fancy covering the bar so I can have a wee? redface

go on then hisandhers ill cover but be quick
Oh yes going down nicely! & the drinks!! lol
Quote by zana2000
Well seeing as you offered, I will have a gin and tonic please, Ive earnt it today!!

one gin and tonic coming up
but what i want to no is what you have been doing to earn it lol
Quote by steph
I'll opt for a Sex on the Rocks please with double Vodka in it please
Steph biggrin

errrrr ok but what else is in it??????
I'm back but u can still give me a hand if you'd like ? Steph, sex on the rocks coming up! Zana2000 gin & tonic :cheers:
I could do with a wee too, but Pete has just mooched off to the toilet with Bike magazine, so I guess I'll just have to cross my legs biggrin
Good latte, by the way wink
A very large JD for me please, on the rocks.
afternoon all wave
go on then ill give you a hand, we need party games any suggestions??
Steph! at last is it your party Marcuso is having? met him last night wot a great guy!! Don't get on here much always working!! Burp!! oh soz need to slow down abit!
Quote by Pete_sw
A very large JD for me please, on the rocks.
afternoon all wave

JD coming up
lissa you want me to get you a bucket lol
Welcome Pete JD coming up party games? COOL!!!!!! need some sounds on as well
vodka martini for me!!! shaken not stirred!!! drinkies are there any ladys in this bar that would like to be a bond girl?? haha
Quote by hisandhers
Steph! at last is it your party Marcuso is having? met him last night wot a great guy!! Don't get on here much always working!! Burp!! oh soz need to slow down abit!

you light weight lol you have only had two
time for another i think!
Still trying for a sitter so I can go out! Any offers Oh go on then that sex on the rocks sounds good! Any more someone will have to take over the bar getting the taste now would rather be on the other side! Good to meet u all though!
i want to no what she been up to as well to earn her drink?? haha mybe she could show us and that would be the start of the party game's!! wink
Quote by boldie
vodka martini for me!!! shaken not stirred!!! drinkies are there any ladys in this bar that would like to be a bond girl?? haha

dont no about bond girl but ill be a BAD girl :twisted: :twisted:
Room for another bad girl? get worse when I've had a few!
Quote by cplbbw
vodka martini for me!!! shaken not stirred!!! drinkies are there any ladys in this bar that would like to be a bond girl?? haha

dont no about bond girl but ill be a BAD girl :twisted: :twisted: hey you better behave yourself or you will get chucked out of the bar for being a bad girl!!! :twisted:
Quote by hisandhers
Room for another bad girl? get worse when I've had a few!

you and me both think we need some more bar staff i wanna have some fun :twisted: :twisted:
Quote by zana2000
Well seeing as you offered, I will have a gin and tonic please, Ive earnt it today!!

one gin and tonic coming up
but what i want to no is what you have been doing to earn it lol

I have been hard at it all day
Zana what you storing in them 2 beauties? Vodka or a fine single malt?
work , what else?
Quote by boldie
vodka martini for me!!! shaken not stirred!!! drinkies are there any ladys in this bar that would like to be a bond girl?? haha

dont no about bond girl but ill be a BAD girl :twisted: :twisted: hey you better behave yourself or you will get chucked out of the bar for being a bad girl!!! :twisted:
but if yoy did that there will be no one to get the drinks cos himandher are well on there way already :twisted: lol :twisted: :lol:
looks like i better chuck myself into it then, and help out where needed!! who's next then please?? now there's an offer thet i dont shout every day!! wink
have we any sounds on yet? Lets get this party started!! Oh girls just want to have fun yeh girls just want to have fun!! lol glad u can't hear me singing lol anyone for another?