I am interested in making this delightful dish .. however,
I was wondering if any of you wonderful people that have made it before could give me some tips so I dont totally screw it up .. believe me I will :cry:
I usually make jelly with the sugar free crystals - do any of you know if this way will work just as well as using the cubes?
I was also wondering which flavour jelly is best to use and how is it best served .. ie: in small dishes or in a huge bowl?
Thanx in advance for your tips
I expect that Blue - our resident world champion vodka jelly making person - will be right along with her expert help. Hope you've got your ingredients ready!
when you put the jely melted in the mould you can put in as much vodka as you want depending on how potant you want the final product.
a very small nip is the best option, which then leaves open the option to have more than one later on.
If you make it too strong you may find you have some left over and your fellow jelly eaters will not want more than one.
if you have any left keep them in the fridge they do last
sure thing Darkfire .. hehe
The Melon - all sorts of uses with all sorts of varieties.
On lonely evenings liven up your night with a melon. start with a honey-dew for that soft wet feel, working up to a water melon for that rougher action (just be careful the pips dont get lodged under the foreskin.
Now where did I leave my cofee cream .................
Bollocks, make them as strong as possible, people eat more once they're pissed.
So how many do you make it a go and how much vodka do you use 4 or 5 bottles
get 1/2 lb jelly babies
pour vodka into bowl
inject vodka into jelly babies ( syringe from boots or similar )
freeze for at least 4 hours
ENJOY !!!!