Scottish tan and skirt evident in this one!!
this is a well known therapy, called the "Kiss Conversion Technique".
You need to lok at this picture each day for a week and you will officially be straight.
its science stuff.
ok, you need to look at it at the same time each day.
Then take a note of your subjective level of straightness or disstraightness.
review in one week and we will present our results.
God think how happy everyone will be if we can cure all the gay and bi women back to straightness.
I can sense a nobel prize!!
ahem, i was too quick posting that before seasider pointed out the fatal flaw in my plan!!
Quick re think required!!!
not for arms, but its a nice bum in a jock strap..certainly a bit different..would welcome thoughts on my piks ladies!! (please be kind though lol)..