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Warning - reminder

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We have been warned that reporters are registering on the site.
I realise most people are, but just to remind you to please be cautious with what information you give out. It can't be unsaid once you say something. Anything you do say can be used and quoted with your names alongside it. You can end up photographed or even photos that you send out to people can be used in conjunction with your quotes.
This is not just the forum area either, the same goes for the Photo ads too, we have been told that reporters have put ads up, as well as answered them.
Dogging has been in the spotlight a lot recently so please, just another reminder to only give out locations and times via PM. This piece of common sense seems to have slipped quite a few people by of late confused
I'm not going to ramble on about it, just a reminder to be a bit wary
Thanks Missy passionkiss we'll keep our eyes peeled!
Mrs RSAB2 xxx :angel:
Kill them all. We arer not animals we are human beings (OK, some of us, anyway)
Could we not name our Guardian Angel, even by pm? :angel:
If any reporters are reading this, I'd like to draw your attention to the following text that appears at the bottom of every page:
"All trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. All postings are the property of their posters. Everything else is copyright © 2002-2004 Swinging Heaven."
In other words, everything here is subject to copyright, and you don't have permission to reprint anything from this site without clearing it first, with the site owners and/or the authors of the posts.
Dear Writers of Newspapers,
Please just pause & leave us alone afterall we are all Adults & know what we are doing.
Currently in the U.K their are more pressing issues such as:
1. Anit - Social Behaviour.
2. Binge Drinking.
3. Iraq.
4. Football Refs.
The list goes on & on.....
So why write about this subject & what we do with other Adults. At least Channel 5 just asked people involved if they would assit them for their recent series. So why can't YOU just do the same.
Many thanks & please realise that you are playing with people NOT toys.
Maybe they should stop altogether.
There are many things more important to the public than how some adults choose to spend their time... just about everything in fact sad
Just because some people out there arent comfortable with this kind of thing doesnt mean they should stop it all and poke their noses into everyone elses business, At the end of the day theres no harm in anything and everyone is consenting to whatever they do
As already said theres plenty more going on in the world and enough depression out there as it is, Just leave us be to get on with whatever we choose to do rolleyes
Quote by Mister_Discreet
If any reporters are reading this, I'd like to draw your attention to the following text that appears at the bottom of every page:
"All trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. All postings are the property of their posters. Everything else is copyright © 2002-2004 Swinging Heaven."
In other words, everything here is subject to copyright, and you don't have permission to reprint anything from this site without clearing it first, with the site owners and/or the authors of the posts.

Not knocking you mate, but just when did ANY newspaper have ethics? I dont read them to any level, because they should start off on page one with 'Once upon a time', and finish 'they all live happy/unhappily ever after'. Hero to Zero, is what they offer so I says BOLLOX to em all