I think they should have let u wait and see a Doctor !!!
I was always lead to believe children got priority in emergencies....whenever one our kids is ill my partner is straight up the surgery even without an appointment,she may not be seen staight away,sometimes waiting over an hour,but our child is never turned is a parents instincts to get upset in a situiation like this,you didn't know wether you were coming or going because they couldn't decide what to do,i mean what is 5 mins to examine a child.
When it comes down to kids you can never be to cearfull so no I dont think you were wrong> I would have done to same. GOOD ON YOU
stand your ground babe walk in with your head high u have done nothing wrong other than caring for your child and last i checked it has yet to b classed as a sin
Put in an official complaint in writing.!!
You did the right thing, they were in the wrong. Surely they must of had even a nurse handy though to check her out for your piece of mind.
A friend of mine had similar probs and she complained, the story ended up on the front of our local paper. Never be afraid to complain.
No, you were absolutely right to expect to see the Dr straight away. The rash could have been due to anything from a simple allergy to meningitis. So the Dr should have seen you straight away. When children are involved, you shouldnt risk anything.
Especially since it was the fault of the receptionist who made the mistake. I'm glad that you have decided to make an official complaint in writing and hope you go through with it..
I had a similar experience with my daughter they tried to make me come back the following day
I stood my ground, and said they had given me an appointment therefore shes entiltled to see the doctor
Practice manager came out so I replied are you medically trained? (knowing they wernt)
when the response was no
I then said so you want me to take a child who has an unexplained rash which could be contagious, and maybe pass it on, just because you cant run a simple appointment system ?.........this child could have meningitis for all you know, wont look good in the local paper if she has and you send me away will it?
think I struck a chord .....they sent me in next as it was she had Rubella , when i told the Doctor what had happened he went spare, found out later that hed told them all if a child comes in with a rash they must be seen appointment or not.
Its often the case with receptionists they think they are gods, Doctors dont sometimes realise whats happening out in reception so you need to tell him when you get there tonight Clare.
God luck hun and I hope your daughter is ok
Vicky xxxxxxxxx
Did all those people who voted for Labour believe the NHS was going to improve? Good for you, I am pleased you are making a complaint, although it is wrong that you have to go that far in the first place. Your child should have been seem immediately without question. No harm in sending a copy of your complaint to the local paper. I feel if we complained a little more, things would get done. A lot of people become very blase and just accept things for what they are. In my area, they have closed the Saturday surgery, so you're buggered if you need to see the doctor over a weekend. How long do we have to endure such nonsense?
Too bloody right you were correct in this matter Claire, you can never be to careful with childrens illnesses.
I would have been there all damn day just to be in their face until something happened.
Maybe though it would be worth while (if possible) for you to change practises???
Anyway glad to see your daughter is ok.
The WHOOSH Manâ„¢
:twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Hi Claire,
You go girl,
If YOU made an appointment and didn't turn up they would be first to let you know.
In this case THEY made the appointment and even if it was a mistake then they should have found a way to get you to see the doctor. And with a child the mistake is unforgiveable.
You make sure the Dr knows you are mad about it and all of the above posts apply.
:twisted: Taff666 :twisted:
after years of dealing with stroppy receptionists
the easiest way is to say cant give me an appointment? ok i`ll call out the emergency doctor after surgery hours
You were absolutely right to stand your ground. Regardless of the age of the patient, an appointment is an appointment for which you had to sacrifice some other activity (work usually) to atend. Well done!