Just to say we are leaving this site (and all others) if our names are down for any events you are attending then please remove them?
Many thanks and goodbye
Flidais and Media Guru
Quote by The-Ring
oooh u can be so sarcastic when you want to be mr tweeky
:giggle: :giggle: :giggle: :giggle: :giggle: :giggle:
mr and mrs dpg xxxx
Quote by Shireen_Mids
Tweeky that was a bit harsh.....
Quote by flidais-media
Tweeky that was a bit harsh.....
Quote by davej
Your reasons for leaving are yours alone and it seems a few folk will miss you, but I know exactly why your thread was pulled and to cite that as one of the reasons is a flounce. I see no point in rippling the waters, you've made a decision and I wish you luck, but the thread being pulled was wholly justified.
Quote by flidais-media
Your reasons for leaving are yours alone and it seems a few folk will miss you, but I know exactly why your thread was pulled and to cite that as one of the reasons is a flounce. I see no point in rippling the waters, you've made a decision and I wish you luck, but the thread being pulled was wholly justified.
Quote by flidais-media
Just one of the reasons we are leaving Shireen. There was a post were we explained the violence we received at a certain club in Bristol last night but the mods on here have removed it , yet another reason why we are leaving.
st3v3 wrote:
Just moving your thread into the mods lounge to get the opinions of the other moderators, would you let me know what happened, also is this club listed in our clubs & parties section.
Quote by Jags
Just one of the reasons we are leaving Shireen. There was a post were we explained the violence we received at a certain club in Bristol last night but the mods on here have removed it , yet another reason why we are leaving.
st3v3 wrote:
Just moving your thread into the mods lounge to get the opinions of the other moderators, would you let me know what happened, also is this club listed in our clubs & parties section.
Quote by Jags
Just one of the reasons we are leaving Shireen. There was a post were we explained the violence we received at a certain club in Bristol last night but the mods on here have removed it , yet another reason why we are leaving.
st3v3 wrote:
Just moving your thread into the mods lounge to get the opinions of the other moderators, would you let me know what happened, also is this club listed in our clubs & parties section.
Quote by Sgt Bilko
flidais-media - you have your reasons for leaving his site and another one, but please do not attempt to muddy the waters.
The cause of this outburst is a result of the treatment you received at a Club last night. Whilst we Mods are horrified by the details you gave us we have removed your thread whilst we speak to the owners of the club, to determine if we will allow them to feature in the Club Reviews on this site. There are always two sides to any argument and it only right and proper that we listen to both sides before making any decision.
I would suggest that you sleep on it and reconsider your decision. You have had a bad experience but it would not be fair to blame the whole Swinging Community for that!!
No emoticons whatsoever!!
Quote by hisandhers
Tell me if I'm bieng too nosey but has the incedent at the club last night the reason for you stopping swinging?
If so don't let it put you off!!
Quote by flidais-media
Tell me if I'm bieng too nosey but has the incedent at the club last night the reason for you stopping swinging?
If so don't let it put you off!!