we have a very light covering in Sunderland !!
what's the weather like where you are??
Quite a bit of snow here and had 3 showers of it so far today!!
winter wonderland at work..
home in 'Sunny Darlo' (as wor lass refers to it) is thawing out.
It is all just lovely. I love love love Snow.
But no snow in Leicestershire...yet
Skies look full of it round here and it has been forecast for mid/late afternoon so here's hoping :-)
we're very pleased to say that the sun is beating down (cracking the flagstones) but fortunately a light breeze is keeping things tolerably cool under the gently swaying palm trees here in north wales ..............
yeah really - it's like that all year round here - gotta keep buying sunscreen by the gallon and sunglasses by the 100's.
only last week there was panic buying of an assortment of hats to try and ensure that no-one suffered from sunstroke during the holiday season ........
ah here come my friends to confirm it - and look they've bought me a lovely new cool jacket - you know the kind of thing - all white canvas and rear facing fasteners.
had a few inches here this morning...........i didnt get laid tho :-)
cold but no snow in loughborough
update from sunny (cough cough ) darlo, freezing, snow falling in fits and starts but unfortunately not laying. meet yah in the park for snowball fights if it lays splendid lol x