Thank you all.
Thank you also to the lovely folk who have helped us through a hectic time and encouraged us to keep in touch with the community and ultimately persuaded us to get back on SH We have been overwhelmed by your kindness, fellowship and understanding.
Ben n Minx
Just lovely to see you xxxxxxx
You've been missed, welcome back both of you :happy:
Thank you all. Snogs and manly hugs all round where welcome.
Howdy fraser, you dont wanna go listening to this lot.
Cheers Woo.
Ben n Minx
it was those space hoppers that convinced you both i bet lol
great to have you back and hopefully chat to you both in a hot tub sometime soon ;) xx
It's good to know that 2 people of such sophistication and taste have chosen to return to the fold, where their unrivalled taste in friends is appreciated by all who know them, and looked at with envy by those who don't.
Can I have me fiver now?
LOL thank you all. xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Welcome back Minx!! Shame you had to bring Ben with ya!! :lol2:
He knows I'm only joking! ;-)
Welcome back you ol' tree huggers, good to see you again. :cheers:
Top news this!
Hello lovelies :rose:
lol bless you all and ty for the warm welcome.