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Welcome to the New Site Owners

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Well I, for one, would like to welcome our new owners to our community.
So Elliot (what happened to ET?), Martin_M and Superadz (who I see are all online) - and St3v3 & Nick_W who aren't about at the mo.
Why don't you do what we recommend to all newbies - introdec yourselfs and let us get to know you a little better - relax for a bit with us, before you go back to answering all those questions!
hugs, Alex x x
though noone was supposed to be mentioning this till it was announced, or have i missed something confused
Thank you for the welcome Alexandra, I'm Steve the technical director of our company, part of my job is to make sure that it all works but Elliot and Nick are the ones that make it all work. I'll be around a lot and will try to get to know about you all.
Quote by Jags
You've missed seven pages of it FFS
rotflmao rotflmao rotflmao

lol lol lol lol
I was just about to paste the link myself !
Have you been out or sleeping NN?
Quote by naughtynymphos1
though noone was supposed to be mentioning this till it was announced, or have i missed something confused

was announced - its in a sticky.
Welcome to the newbie owners - think Alex's suggestion is sensible - if you are going to be transparent about it all then be transparent about yourselves and let us know a bit about you....
.....hope you have settled in for a friday night of questions!! lol lol
Quote by Jags
You've missed seven pages of it FFS
rotflmao rotflmao rotflmao

well i am on nights at the mo and been in bed all day lol lol
I agree, welcome to the site...let the dust settle and see what happens before we go off ranting..... lol
Folks - no offence intended - but could we please keep this thread on topic for a while?
I think I did my welcome in the other thread, but as they say one h ere,
":hope you find what your looking for"
Sometimes it "sucks" round here and sometimes your unlucky!!
Welcome to the site. I hope you will join in as much as possible - not everyone here is an active swinger, so you have as much to offer the community as anyone else here. Get to know us, have a chat, and you'll find that we're actually a very friendly and accepting bunch - with those who make the effort.
I'm sure you were expecting the difficult reception that this news has had, but if you keep your promises you will win our loyalty eventually. I for one intend to stick around until it really looks like SH has irretrievably changed for the worse - and I hope that will never happen.
Good luck - I know these first few weeks will be hard work!
Cocoa x
:welcome: to the 4 Tops !!!
Elliot, Martin_M, st3v3 and ???? (cant remember..... but u cant spank me later) lol
Sam xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Were'd my post go. confused
I'm sure I wished a Good Morvening to NN.
Anyway, I'll also say hello to the new owners and give them the benefit of the doubt. I have rarely seen any new owners communicate with members/staff/workers before.
Maybe promising.
Can I just say hello to the new owners of Swinging Heaven.
May I reserve the "Welcome" for a future day ?
I just hope the day will come when I can say Welcome.
Quote by blonde
:welcome: to the 4 Tops !!!
Elliot, Martin_M, st3v3 and ???? (cant remember..... but u cant spank me later) lol
Sam xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Indeed ! ! !
Welcome to the asylum 4 Tops(TM blonde - judgement day 2005)
Quote by Fred aka Medic 1
Can I just say hello to the new owners of Swinging Heaven.
May I reserve the "Welcome" for a future day ?
I just hope the day will come when I can say Welcome.

My thoughts exactly!!
Cheers guys and gals.
Hi to everyone, thanks to those who have been nice today, and thanks to those for asking the questions.
Just got home from work, and am just about to nip up the offy to grab a lot of beer. I have a bottle of southen cumfort lined up and ready biggrin
Ill be about for the rest of the night i think, spelling will probably get worse as the night goes on biggrin
I'm sure the others will be along shortly!
Quote by Elliot
Cheers guys and gals.
Hi to everyone, thanks to those who have been nice today, and thanks to those for asking the questions.
Just got home from work, and am just about to nip up the offy to grab a lot of beer. I have a bottle of southen cumfort lined up and ready biggrin
Ill be about for the rest of the night i think, spelling will probably get worse as the night goes on biggrin
I'm sure the others will be along shortly!

There is a whole group at a munch tonight, me included, so you won't be the only one drinking wink
Drink in the nuance before jumping.
Quote by da69ve
Can I just say hello to the new owners of Swinging Heaven.
May I reserve the "Welcome" for a future day ?
I just hope the day will come when I can say Welcome.

My thoughts exactly!!
If they don't fuck it up - they're welcome into the asylum.
If they do fuck it up - they're welcome to the asylum
Either way, they're welcome.
Nice sig, Elliot.
I think you're gonna need it.
Quote by dambuster
Can I just say hello to the new owners of Swinging Heaven.
May I reserve the "Welcome" for a future day ?
I just hope the day will come when I can say Welcome.

My thoughts exactly!!
If they don't fuck it up - they're welcome into the asylum.
If they do fuck it up - they're welcome to the asylum
Either way, they're welcome.
What dambuster, and Fred said :thumbup:
Oh come on folks - give them the benefit of the doubt for God's sake! :shock:
If Mark felt he could hand over his 'baby', surely we can at least extend the hand of friendship! rolleyes
Quote by Elliot
Cheers guys and gals.
Hi to everyone, thanks to those who have been nice today, and thanks to those for asking the questions.
Just got home from work, and am just about to nip up the offy to grab a lot of beer. I have a bottle of southen cumfort lined up and ready biggrin
Ill be about for the rest of the night i think, spelling will probably get worse as the night goes on biggrin
I'm sure the others will be along shortly!

why not get yourself over to the derby munch you will have a great time biggrin
I agree a whole hearted welcome - think everyone got very excited when the initial post was made - including myself - and no doubt others will when they see it for the first time - but on reflection - welcome and I hope we can help you keep everyone happy!
Quote by Elliot
spelling will probably get worse as the night goes on biggrin

Well you'll fit in just fine then! rolleyes
But watch out for FB with the spelling - and mind your punctuation! wink
Quote by Alexandra
Oh come on folks - give them the benefit of the doubt for God's sake! :shock:
If Mark felt he could hand over his 'baby', surely we can at least extend the hand of friendship! rolleyes

I've never made any secret of the fact that I love this place, the people in it and the lifestyle Alex - but . . . .
Mark didn't "hand it over" he sold it.
Or did I get that bit wrong ?
As foar as i'm converned, personally - my hand is extended.
Without reservation.
Without condition.
Whether it gets shaken or bitten is yet to be seen.
I say again . . . .
Welcome to the asylum.
Elliot dont worry to much about the spelling bit.... some of us use CW (Morse Code) lol
Yes, a few of us are "Ham Anoraks". Helps us to communicate better lol
Quote by dambuster
Mark didn't "hand it over" he sold it.
Or did I get that bit wrong ?

I know he sold it Dammie - but whether money exchanged hands or not is irrelevant. He still parted with something that was a major part of his life for the last 3+ years and I still say that it would not have been a decision he would have made lightly.
Hi! I'm TE - Technical Director of me sex drive. Trouble is it's flucking uncontrollable and I can't direct anything except I do have a margin of control over the fluid mechanics of the system. Even then it can get a bit missy... ooops sorry messy!
Apologies to St3v3, who can obviously technically direct things - except the direction of his eeeeeeees. wink
Quote by Fred aka Medic 1
Can I just say hello to the new owners of Swinging Heaven.
May I reserve the "Welcome" for a future day ?
I just hope the day will come when I can say Welcome.

I agree with fred xx
Quote by Sexysteph
For once I was gonna be different and planned something along the lines of this
A heartfelt plea
The Gang of Four are here to stay
We cannot change anyway
On Swingingheaven We have no real say
But our opinions matter come what may
To Elliot who's fingers are typing so quick
To Martin and St3v3, Not forgetting the other one Nick
Please look after your members
and don't let this site become Embers.
And then I thought sod it and just say
Hiya to the four of you. Take Time out to get to know us, come to some of the most terrific parties you will ever go to - get completely pissed, crash out on the floor of some lovely members home and become part of what is now the new Swingingheaven. This site is filled with fabulous people - please don't not get involved.
So in the usual Sexysteph manner
Welcome to Swingingheaven Asylum for the Sexually Liberated Adult. I assume you want the delux straitjacket with the embroidered logo on the lapel? Check with Sarg they are an extra 500 goldfish. The maids will show you to your rubber rooms in a short time.
Have fun

A demonstration of the true qualities of this site - methinks!