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Welcome to the SH Theme Park

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pull up a chair and pour yourself a large one, this could take a while!!
This is no ordinary Theme Park. Constructed in a secret location well away from prying eyes and not open to members of the public it is for the exclusive use of members of this site. Indeed, some of us are permanent residents! redface
The Entrance is next to the Guard House where you’re bona fides will be examined (ooo-er missus!) to establish that you are a genuine member. Then all females will be frisked by Sgt Bilko. All males will be frisked by either Wilma, Kit or Sappho – depending on who is on duty at the time. :twisted:
To the right of the entrance is the Tank Parking, where Sarge keeps his many military vehicles. The park is patrolled (occasionally) by Mr FC. No-one ever really gets arrested – unless they are complete dickheads – but he wears his uniform because the girlies like it! rolleyes
Behind the Guard Hut is the Punishment Block. Here those who transgress the simple rules of the park will be taken for a good slapping by Kit, Wilma or Jags :jagsatwork:. Those guilty of serious offences will have their thighs bitten by Jags :shock:. Persistent offenders will be ‘deleted’ by Jags, :jagsatwork: . This is a euphemism, the true meaning of which you really don’t want to know!! :eeek:
Behind the Tank Parking is Car Park 1. The first of three dogging car parks designed, constructed and managed under the careful eye of Jomu, Head of Dogging Services.
In front of you now, the park is laid out in its full glory. To the left is the SH Village Green where cricket matches are played regularly. Straight ahead of you is the Swinging Heaven Arms with its beer garden overlooking the cricket on the village green. This pub NEVER closes, has no fewer than 24 ‘Happy Hours’ every day – and all the mods drink for free, all the time :cheers: ! The pub sign is, of course, the SH logo (see top of screen!). Outside the pub is the Village Pond on which Duckpathian and his friends can relax.
Over to the right, with its entrance conveniently close to the pond, pub and village green is Artificer’s Compound. This is a delightfully sprawling, rambling farmhouse which is always open to Arti’s many friends. There is a Merlot and Real Ale shed on the way in!! :beer: This spacious compound contains pig pens, fields of cattle with state of the art milking sheds, a rolling, landscaped field full of sheep which is presided over by old Fly. At the entrance to the sheep field are the lambing sheds and Fly’s dressing room with its many mirrors where Fly can tend to his/her ribbons and manicure. There is also an impressive ferret run with drain pipes and tunnels for the little dears to play in.
Behind the pub is the Arts Centre. This has soundproofed rehearsal rooms where bassdude and willxx69 and their friends can compose and practice and a full size theatre/concert hall for major productions including the world famous SH organ (no sniggering now evil ) with its 5 manuals, full pedals, 32-foot Ophicleide, trumpets ‘en-chamade’ (oooops, sorry surprisedops: got carried away there!!! ). Chief Sound Technician is Carpathian who also produces the original CDs. :karaoke:
Adjacent to the Arts Centre, but with its own impressive, colonnaded entrance is the Library and Museum presided over by Librarian and Curator, the gorgeous Sappho :inlove: (Mmmmm, strawberries!!! :twisted: - sorry, got carried away again). The Library has over 7 miles of bookshelves and the museum has the World’s finest collection of sensual art and artefacts from Greece, Rome, Byzantium, Medieval Europe and every period up to the present day.
The Pamper Zone has its own entrance but can also be entered from the Library, so that you can pick up a book on the way to your pampering session. Here there are jacuzzis, bubble baths, steam rooms and massage tables.
At the far end of the park, behind and to the left of the Pamper Zone is the SH Hotel. Here every room has at least two double beds with en-suite jacuzzis that can hold a minimum of six people. Some rooms have four posters for those who like to indulge in a little fantasy ( :twisted: ). Behind the hotel is the second dogging car park.
Adjacent to the hotel is Bedrock :happy:. This is Fred and Wilma’s domain. A network of caves all interlinked, plenty of food and a never ending supply of booze (but watch out for the pink stuff!! :shocksmile. There are also plenty of love swings in this area. Although the wearing of thigh-high boots is not compulsory in here, it is certainly encouraged! :twisted:
Next along is the SH Showground. This is used for sports such as the occasional game of rugby or football (each game usually only lasts about 20 minutes before everyone heads off to the SH Arms to slake their thirst!!! :beer:) . This is where Arti exhibits his prize animals annually and the SH Hmm Hmm hold their ‘produce show’. I can tell you that Ann Summers has nothing on this event!!! A word of warning. Steer clear of the homemade chilli KY jelly!! :shock: . We all know what happened to Fred when Wilma used it as a salad dressing!! :eeek: This is also where MISSCHIEF does her tomahawk throwing practice. Careful study has shown that the safest place to stand is directly in front of her! :shock: lol
Finally, Dogging Car Park 3 a leafy, landscaped area. From here there are many paths leading off into the landscaped woods where you can hump and commune with nature at the same time! There are arbours, dells and waterfalls all designed and personally tried/approved by bluexxx kiss . The woods are particularly beautiful at this time of year when the bluebells are in their full glory
Will, you know me a little too well !!! redface
Love it - well done!!!! Do you think we could have a virtual map?
x x x x
I wanted a virtual map but hadn't been able to look in to doing it yet. Ideally I would like to see an interactive virtual map. Clicking on any part of the map would bring up a description of the 'attrractions' there.
It might be worth thinking about. Thanks for the compliment, glad you enjoyed it.
This looks a fun place to be. Beats Alton Towers any day of the week. cool
Nice to see you again Mattmoleman. Have you been frisked yet? Come into my caves and I'll show you my collection of rocks. I said ROCKS!!!
x x x x
Will - have a snog from me (and I don't give them out willy nilly you know).... kiss , in fact, have two :kiss: :kiss:
Sounds like a fantastic place to chill.... I may well be checking out the dogging areas and woodland sooner than you think :twisted: .... tonight in fact :twisted: :twisted: , I was looking for somewhere interesting to go, and now I know... :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: . I shall take some piccies of any interesting activities that occur and post them on Silkies :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Will It does indeed sound like the ideal
Well done Will !! Sounds great.
Quote by willxx69
Adjacent to the Arts Centre, but with its own impressive, colonnaded entrance is the Library and Museum presided over by Librarian and Curator, the gorgeous Sappho

Good to see she has a job at last!!!! wink lol :lol: :lol: :lol:
Quote by WilmaFlintstone
Come into my caves and I'll show you my collection of rocks. I said ROCKS!!!

Fewy, I thought you were going to take my SOCKS off me then. :shock:
Hmmm, come into my parlour said the spider to the fly, comes to mind here.
Absolutely superb !!!!!! lol
Do you get anytime to do any work?
hehehe well done that man!!
yeah i could do with a job there
rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
What a wonderful, idyllic, place ...... especially as noone seems to sneak up behind me to make me jump :confused:
Off for a wander round the pond to see a certain duck owner is there :twisted:
Genius Will, total genius.
Duckpathian is particularly glad that the pond is right next to the pub - you should see him swimming drunk...priceless.
Off for a wander round the pond to see a certain duck owner is there :twisted:

Don't let him hear you say that ! Blimey, if he thought I was masquerading as his owner he'd drop me and hire a different agent like a shot ! lol
lol :lol: :lol:
That is absolutely brilliant Will.
However, I now find myself with a dilemna.........
Do I smackbottom you for posting when you should be working? OR Do I kiss you for making me smile after an exceedingly tedious day?
The decision is yours :twisted:
Well done Will, looks like an emporium fit for a king
I confess I had a sneak look round and was very impressed to find PCFC already at his work; what dedication. Upon closer inspection, I found that he hadn't quite sussed that my dogs are allowed in. The evidence:

I know there have been doubts raised about the ages of some of the 'newbies' but I do feel he is taking things a bit far...
rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
Artificer PCFC looks like he needs to chill out, he is working towards being a community beat officer, and doesn't realise that anyone below his knee is a child and not just plain short. lol
Will what a great idea !!! It sounds absolutely heaven.
To set the record straight (I seem to be doing a lot of that this morning) I put all that together in an MS Word document gradually over the last few evenings (i.e. NOT in work time) so all I had to do yesterday afternoon was copy and paste and then check that all the HTML tags had worked.
In which case Kit, I think we'll go for kiss, or even passionkiss instead of smackbottom . I'll collect in person tomorrow!!!! :happy:
Great idea Will , but I can see one fundamental floor in the plan. It needs a gift shop :!:
It could sell lingerie for the girls and boys and many other interesting novelties.
i would be happy to offer my services to run this venture lol
A line of credit could be set up for regular users such as Dawn mids .Wbb etc and I would be happy as shop keeper to assist in any neccessary trying on of potential purchases , offering impartial advice etc.
How about finding a space for Warwicks WooHoo Gift Shop ? :lol:
Any suggestions as to other stock items?
Excellent idea Warwick!! You've got the job. smile
Does anyone else have any suggestions? We probably need some themed restaurants. How about a Roman one where the waitresses are all in skimpy little tunics? :twisted: To Sappho : What's that darling? Oh alright, and the waiters too! rolleyes
Perhaps His and Hers lap dancing venues with 'entertainers' of the appropriate gender.
Keep the suggestions coming in and we'll add them to the virtual map that's in production (though not by me, I hasten to add).
Will - you know this could catch on
Quote by willxx69
you know this could catch on

Catch on - I've already got my bags packed and house on the market! :bounce:
We do need a creche tho, and a school ...... The other option, of course, is to just put the kids on Ebay, thus raising more funds for the Theme Park :twisted:
guilt sets in with the kids on Ebay comment about redface
DO you think wed get more cash if we put all the kids on together as a job lot or should we auction them separately?
Thanks for the job Will.
I think you will need space for a weekly Farmers Market. Of course there is only one candidate to organise this - and it aint me
Also, a swimming pool would be in order. But will need to be indoor and have a sliding roof for those nice sunny days. I would like to put myself up as a lifeguard. My thoughts are only for the safety of the swimmers. Nothing else at all, honest.
I give up, see the newboy so we'll confuse him!
What is a SH themepark and how do I get tickets!!
Thrax, the SH themepark is what is described at the top of this thread.... great, ain't it lol :lol: :lol: :lol:
I like the idea of the pool. With bar and poolside barbecue naturally!!
Bearing in mind the lovely weather today, I keep thinking of relaxing somewhere and having an endless supply of drinks served to me - with the occasional bite to eat. Waiting staff of both sexes will, of course, be gorgeous, fit and scantily clad.
I am sure that Arti would love to have a regular Farmer's Market. Please note where the apostrophe is. After all, there IS only one Farmer for us!! worship
I don't know if I have been here too long but I am actually starting to think that an 'adult theme park' - over 21s only, NO children and a relaxed and liberal attitude to 'alternative lifestyles' is not a bad idea! Mark - perhaps we should start looking for a site!
Will - I think I am getting carried away with this! :happy:
Will I have been away and now we have another heaven !!!
WOW !!!!!!! Bagsy can I be put in charge of the Pamper Zone, my massage skills could come in handy :twisted:
Mrs FC - The job of Head of Pamper Zone has not been filled yet, but I will need to vet your massage skills personally :twisted:
Ready when you are!
Quote by willxx69
I like the idea of the pool. With bar and poolside barbecue naturally!!
Bearing in mind the lovely weather today, I keep thinking of relaxing somewhere and having an endless supply of drinks served to me - with the occasional bite to eat. Waiting staff of both sexes will, of course, be gorgeous, fit and scantily clad.
I am sure that Arti would love to have a regular Farmer's Market. Please note where the apostrophe is. After all, there IS only one Farmer for us!! worship
I don't know if I have been here too long but I am actually starting to think that an 'adult theme park' - over 21s only, NO children and a relaxed and liberal attitude to 'alternative lifestyles' is not a bad idea! Mark - perhaps we should start looking for a site!
Will - I think I am getting carried away with this! :happy:

Actually Will, a Farmers Market might not be such a bad idea. There are loads of them packing up at the moment, such is the dire state of agriculture. I'm sure we could pick up a bunch of surplus ones pretty cheap. You'd be suprised how handy they might be. We could sell them to do gardening, painting, mechanics, all sorts of jobs. And, being big strapping lads, we might be able to rent 'em out to the lovely lasses of the Forum...for a small fee. I'm sure they'll perform better than the the ubiquitous 'Rabbit', don't need batteries, and are use to operating in all weathers and at all times of day and night. Best of all, they attract a whacking great subsidy from Brussels! Early applicants could qualify for a free Range Rover and buying three could qualify for free welly buckles and a black Labrador. seems a winner to me Will: get your gavel out, and lets knock a few down to the highest bidders. any offers?
Now before you all go for arti's suggestion of getting a farmer for free and taking them home I would suggest that you all consider both the pro's and cons.
Yes it would be true that these strapping country boys are very good with their hands and could do jobs around the house, such as gardening, painting and mechanics. I also dont doubt arti's claim that these strong chaps would prove to be serious competition for the old rampant rabbit, but there is a downside that arti has not revealed.
As a townie and I have no doubt that most of you on here are townies as well, there is a few things that you need to know before taking a free farmer into your home. These guys have a tendancy to get up at an ungodly hour, to go outside and milk something. Now it is my understanding that this something is called a cow which according to an old Janet and John book I found up in the loft, is a very large animal most unsuited for urban living. Now for these freebies to remain authentic around your home they would have to continue with the ways of the land. You will all find that a cow in your executive detached property is no laughing matter. They are by nature an outside animal so you would think that this wouldnt be a problem, simply put the beast in the garden after all they eat grass and could therefore keep the lawns in short order. Wrong! they also eat plant and flowers and would quickly dessimate your well tended borders. No my dear friends the garden is no place to tether such a beast.
O.K. I hear you optimists say lets bring the animal indoors, that way it cant get at the garden until we let it out under close supervision. Wrong! if you have ever dragged your washing machine across your vinyl floor, I have no doubt that you will have experianced that terrible moment when the damn thing digs in and tears through the flooring, cows would do the same. They weigh in at more than 5 times the weight of a washing machine and come hooved, I can almost garauntee that your vinyl would be torn to shreads on day one.
You may well decide that the answer lie's in strong wooden flooring, well it probably would but be prepared to clean it regularly. Cows are not easilly trained to use a litter tray and indeed I have yet to see a litter tray of sufficient size and capacity to cater for a cow. These beasts are prolific crappers and I fear that your kitchen units would become less than hygenic for food preperation in no short time.
If however none of this worries you and that you feel a little bit of cow poop and a few eaten plants is still a fair exchange to get a strong farmer for a nominal rent then consider the fact that after your farmer has been outside to do his milking thing he will probably tend to the chickens and geese as well. Oh you didnt know about them did you! yes out in your garden alongside the cow there will be in the fullness of time, both chickens and geese. Guess what my friends....prolific crappers the both. You will soon be knee deep in chicken poop and goose poop as well as cow poop. Yes you will get free eggs that are fresh and organic but dont think that this is much of a bargain because you will be frying the damn things at seven in the morning when your farmer returns to the house to have his daily big breakfast, dont forget these guys have been out milking and feeding for 4 hours already and have another 12 to go, so ladies get your fannies out of the sack and get cooking.
There are many more beasts that you could inherit alongside your farmer and it is a list that is too long for such a forum but be assured the one thing you can be sure of?.....all are prolific crappers!
Your lovely paviour drive with its bull nosed edgings will soon be a no go area as all sorts of odd looking machines arrive and then sit idle until such time as the season requires their use. Yes the road tax on a 1948 Massey Ferguson is less than a Puegot 406 but believe me ladies the boot space is non existent, there is no where to strap a child seat and the school run wouldnt be a lot of fun with the kids standing in an open trailer during the winter.
As Arti said these boys are strong practical and very usefull and with the state of farming in the U.K. could as suggested by bought up very cheaply with the aid of subsidies but please also consider all the issues that may come with renting a farmer.