Following a recent comment from someone calling me a liar, what do you think I am?
I consider myself straight, heterosexual if you will. I like women, I’ve always liked women, well, apart from when I was a boy, I liked girls then. Since joining SH I have tried lots of things, both giving and receiving some didn’t do much for me, receiving anal sex for instance, so I’m not keen to repeat that, some I did enjoy a bit, a particular lady using her strap-on on me, so I may repeat that, some things I really did enjoy, rimming, so anytime, ladies.
Other sorts of things like being in a party or group situation, I don’t mind the contact with another guys genitals, not fussed who sucks my dick TBH. So, what am I and why?
Am I
Straight, because I think I am
Straight, because I prefer women
Bi, because I have no objection to a man sucking my dick
Bi, because I enjoyed the strap-on use by a lady
Gay, because I tried anal sex once
Gay, because I enjoy the strap-on use by a lady
Don’t know not enough information
Whatever dude/ I’m voting liberal
Right, so I've voted straight. Erm, I won't be here til Tuesday, so feel free to debate (not that I could stop you) I'll be back on Tuesday to catch up and add my comments.
what's with the labelling... you do what you enjoy, what makes you happy... you don't have to classify yourself as anything... and if you want to classify yourself openly as something and someone else calls you a liar what do you need to prove to them?
there are so many negative posts lately about members being abused, treated poorly, dumped by friends/other memebers/general public at large... and I just think it's a reallly big shame...
marms: please just play as you like with consenting others and don't worry about proving anything to anyone.
ms. ocky
Hun, you're a slut and we love ya! What else matters? :P
You're the same as me, hun.
I think that makes you bi, with straight tendencies. Or it may make you a raving who kinda likes cock, too.
I'll get back to you.
You are what you are Marms babes and we love you for it
Just dont ever change
As for a Label your too free a person to be labelled so I shant
Love n hugs
Why do you need to be classed as bi-sexual, heterosexual or homosexual.
Why not just be sexual :smile2:
I don't think it's a big deal to want to name yourself. I'm bi - i'm happy with that. Other people assume I'm straight - they're happy with that. I guess the thing to remember is that whatever you call yourself doesn't have to mean a fixed, final identity. People are subject to change so just accept that if it happens. And whatever you call yourself, there is no 'truth' about it - you are what you believe you are.
just be yourself marms theres no such thing as labels. i hate labels grrrr your a human being . humans are such a strange breed. BE YOURSELF !!