I am wondering what we are all doing logged into this web-site. I am sure that there are a number of reasons for being here, and not all of then are expected.
So please complete the statement.
Well I am with NN on this one - none of the above.
With NN and PL on this one..................
I know what im here for, cos i get have a laugh with other everyday normal folks who appreciate a laugh and like to have their minds stimulated (yeah amongst other things, but bare with me here im being serious for once)
When i joined up i didnt really know what to expect and my first post i ever made shows i was trying to run before i could walk, but i wasnt told OI clear off, i was given the chance to find my feet and given the chance to make a proper contribution to the site.
I dont post for any of the reasons above, if that was the case all my posts would be in the lets meet up forum.
The reason im here is because its a fun place to be, its full of nice people, and its a place where i can make friends, friends who i may or may not ever meet.
Its kind of like asking someone "why do you interact with other human beings?"
Okies my wee brain is sore can i go back to being a twat?
B,D,E,& F ......... and there isn't an option for used to swing, not currently swinging but loads of friends here,
Not sure about the options but am here because its the best of its type and its highly addictive!
Thank you for your replies!
But if none of the above, I'd be interested to know how you use the site, just for conversion.