Hello Stockinglegs
mmmmmmmmmmmm a very warm welcome to the forums
Hope you enjoy
Wayward1 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Still waiting lol wink wink
Quote by stockinglegs
Hi Keeno
Large crowds worry me, it's the thought that I wouldn't be able to escape if anything went wrong. Wedding receptions are grim anyway and best avoided. No more invites for me
Quote by jaymar
Hi stockinglegs and welcome!
I don't actually have any physical fears so to speak, my fears are all emotional type fears ie., my main one is my fear of losing people I love. This may sound strange but my first marriage broke down by the person I loved so much walking out on me and for that reason I have battled for years in my second marriage to finally trust that this won't happen again. It's been an emotional struggle but I've got there.
I constantly fear for people's wellbeing, so that's why I'm saying my fears are all emotional. Christ I'm a thinker! :lol:
Quote by firelizard
Im afraid of
Spiders :scared:
Shedding snake skin ( wheres the feel sick emoticon)
Becoming totally dependant on anyone ( in a health sense)
Louise xx
Quote by lyns
After watching Malcom and Barbara loves farewell last night i am terrified of me or one of my loved ones getting altzimers(sp?). :cry:
Quote by keeno
After watching Malcom and Barbara loves farewell last night i am terrified of me or one of my loved ones getting altzimers(sp?). :cry:
Quote by lyns
After watching Malcom and Barbara loves farewell last night i am terrified of me or one of my loved ones getting altzimers(sp?). :cry:
Quote by Samndave
snakes,snakes and did i mention snakes...........
the thought of em and the look of em, cant even look at them on tv or in a book........
ran like hell when they got one out at longleat and i aint built for running lol