Good first post and Hi
The obvious for me, Spiders and also don't like old fashioned porcelain dolls......the eyes freak me out.
and men in gorilla suits..............kinky lot on here you know :-)
The only thing for me and would not exactly say afraid of is needles :scared:
I have had injections in the past but afterwards my body just says oi ! and I promptly feel very sick, I know its a childhood physcology thingy but cant seem to get rid of it.
:welcome: to the forums
I also hate dolls of the china breed, but my biggest fear has to be of shellfish.... especially prawns and lobsters :shock: :shock: gives me the heebie jebbies even writing the words!
m xx
Hi Jaymar and thanks for the welcome.
I know what you mean about emotional fears much scarier than physical ones.
Fear, no, but I do have this thing about falling. When I was young I fell out of trees, off roofs and horses.
So now when I am close to an edge I am conscious of it.
Hi Stocks
Dam and i was thinking of wearing my gorilla suit to the next social ! Nothing i`m really scrared of, but a mate is scared of pigeons !! So much so we have to cross the road everytime we see one .... its usually birds that cross the road when they see me ;-)
Spiders, horses, birds, bridges, deep water. Not fussed about heights either. :cry:
If you come in your gorilla suit, I'm wearing my trainers so I can run for it. Chase me :rascal:
Pigeons: your mate does have a point, they do have a certain look in their eyes.