My girlfriend has been buggin me to replace her vibe for her for ages. I've finally caved in and bought her a shiny new Rampant Rabbit (ask requested). I then had the wonderful pleasure of using it on her but thats besides the point.
What i'm wanting to know is what differences are there between the normal, deluxe and platinum. cos i want to know if it was worth me forking out the extra £15 for it or if i just wasted my money
Let me know
Matty Baby
Matty Baby, you need to change that av pronto!!!
Don't know about the rabbit Matty but I should take that avatar off quick sharp it's against the AUP.
Either you do it or a Mod will
Thanks for the info about the av, Just got to find a new one.
Any suggestions
You beat me to it HappyCats! and I thought I was quick off the mark lol
must learn to type faster lol
hopefully everyone will be as helpful as the two of you next time i bend the rules
The first one wasn't that bad (i hope) but Happy cats and alleyson would be able to tell you better
If you do a search there are loads of threads about rabbits. Here's a few to be going on with: