One of my friends has been strictly observing the Lenten practice of giving something up. She's given up alcohol for the duration, although is now counting the days (and the hosannas!) till she can have a glass of wine.
As a kid, I used to do the give-up-sweets-for-Lent annual ritual and, in all honesty, didn't really mind. That clearly defeats the object: I think the giving up bit is supposed to be hard.
It made me think.
Is there anything you think you would really struggle to give up? Would it be chocolate or booze or perhaps the internet? Could you go a day without watching TV, smoking a cigarette or eating meat?
(Obviously I'm not thinking of this in a religious way, more just a test of willpower.)
cup of tea in the morning :dry:
Couldn't live without a sense of humour, life would be so dull.
I think we would struggle to give up SH on a friday night with booze and cams aplenty!
Silly, random, serious, deep, intellectual, Monty Pythonesque. Whatever. But deprive me of it, or dismiss it and I will walk away from you - permanently.
I could more easilly give up meat. (Both kinds)
Couldn't give up my car stereo no ma'am no way.
An obvious one for me, but paintball. For the last twenty years, it has defined where I live, where I work, who my closest friends are and why my father despairs at my inability to 'grow up'. One weekend, back in the '90s, I was so broke and depressed at the thought of not been with my friends down the site, I actually sold my television to my neighbour so I could have the money to go play that very day. Sad, but true. :-)
Now where is Ben and that Triumph?
the five phases.
sound of the sea crashing on rocks.
my arms and hands.
when open they offer friendship and love.
when closed they defend.
long term health.