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What couldn't you live without?

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One of my friends has been strictly observing the Lenten practice of giving something up. She's given up alcohol for the duration, although is now counting the days (and the hosannas!) till she can have a glass of wine.
As a kid, I used to do the give-up-sweets-for-Lent annual ritual and, in all honesty, didn't really mind. That clearly defeats the object: I think the giving up bit is supposed to be hard.
It made me think.
Is there anything you think you would really struggle to give up? Would it be chocolate or booze or perhaps the internet? Could you go a day without watching TV, smoking a cigarette or eating meat?
(Obviously I'm not thinking of this in a religious way, more just a test of willpower.)
lol As I don't have a TV going without watching it for a day/week/month/year is really really easy!!
For lent I'm not eating during daylight hours, so breakfast is in the wee hours of the day then nothing apart from water until the sun goes down (damn the clocks going forward!!) :thumbup:
Quote by SinSi
lol As I don't have a TV going without watching it for a day/week/month/year is really really easy!!

I bet that makes you really popular with the TV licensing folks! Do you get a lot of visits from them, or is that just an urban legend?
Quote by SinSi
For lent I'm not eating during daylight hours, so breakfast is in the wee hours of the day then nothing apart from water until the sun goes down (damn the clocks going forward!!) :thumbup:

Isn't that supposed to be Ramadan? That's not until July is it? ;)
For me, I really can't think of anything I couldn'tlive without, but there are some things it would be a pain to lose.... Internet, telly, etc. But when you think that some people don't even have a home, it sort of puts things into perspective. sad
Oxygen would be difficult and maybe water.......although recently i seem to have given up getting offers of a good shag rolleyes
We have given up meets for 2012, (we can be persuaded to change this) we have all swingers to thank for being able to achieve this and your willingness not to meet us has made this actually very easy to do lol giggles
Couldn't live without a sense of humour, life would be so dull.
Quote by MidsCouple24
We have given up meets for 2012, (we can be persuaded to change this) we have all swingers to thank for being able to achieve this and your willingness not to meet us has made this actually very easy to do lol giggles

Its your own fault for having a profile longer than War and Peace....i had to stop for lunch in the middle of reading it. its longer than mine on the site that can't me named :lol:
Also, as about 103% of the site users are single males, only meeting them at clubs, where i believe the current entry price for a bloke is a gallon of petrol and two warm pasties, you're severely limiting meeting options to millionaires and kleptomaniac garage forecourt attendants :mrgreen:
(btw- does the altizmers boob kissing ploy work? bloody genius idea! :lol2smile
My garden and sunshine.
I think we would struggle to give up SH on a friday night with booze and cams aplenty!
Quote by meat2pleaseu
We have given up meets for 2012, (we can be persuaded to change this) we have all swingers to thank for being able to achieve this and your willingness not to meet us has made this actually very easy to do lol giggles

Its your own fault for having a profile longer than War and Peace....i had to stop for lunch in the middle of reading it. its longer than mine on the site that can't me named :lol:
Also, as about 103% of the site users are single males, only meeting them at clubs, where i believe the current entry price for a bloke is a gallon of petrol and two warm pasties, you're severely limiting meeting options to millionaires and kleptomaniac garage forecourt attendants :mrgreen:
(btw- does the altizmers boob kissing ploy work? bloody genius idea! :lol2smile
That is very true, but the benefits of having a "war and peace" profile suit us, we are at peace in the knowledge that we do not waste peoples time on the site (or others) being upfront and honest it is thier choice to read it or not, if they dont and contact us to find we are not what they want or vice versa then they have wasted thier own time and ours, if the injection of our personalities helps people have an insight into what we are like then so much the better.
As for only playing with single guys at clubs, again we don't want to waste anyones time and this is how we do things, no man at a club has ever spent the first 15 minutes saying to us "is this the male or the female I am talking to" or "Hi how are you" or "it's only me in the club at the moment the wife is asleep" or "have you had many meets" etc

As for the cost for single males - you are joking aren't you, at the club we use Friday nights for single males cost just £30 entrance (we pay £25 on a Saturday night as a couple) lifetime membership is FREE, it is Bring Your Own Alchohol (Asda's great package deals) so 30 quid and cheap beer, I really don't think that is extortionate or unreasonable for a fantastic night out and even the chance of some sexual fun, my ex wife cost me far more than that when I took her out for the night.
So why do you think you need to be a millionaire to go to a club ? have you seen the price of the cinema these days
Silly, random, serious, deep, intellectual, Monty Pythonesque. Whatever. But deprive me of it, or dismiss it and I will walk away from you - permanently.
I could more easilly give up meat. (Both kinds)
Quote by Cubes
lol As I don't have a TV going without watching it for a day/week/month/year is really really easy!!

I bet that makes you really popular with the TV licensing folks! Do you get a lot of visits from them, or is that just an urban legend?
Nope, no one ever visits me except ladies wanting their ironing doing innocent
Quote by SinSi
For lent I'm not eating during daylight hours, so breakfast is in the wee hours of the day then nothing apart from water until the sun goes down (damn the clocks going forward!!) :thumbup:

Isn't that supposed to be Ramadan? That's not until July is it? ;)
:lol: I let the abbot know about that, I'm sure he'll chuckle silently to himself
For me, I really can't think of anything I couldn'tlive without, but there are some things it would be a pain to lose.... Internet, telly, etc. But when you think that some people don't even have a home, it sort of puts things into perspective. sad
Couldn't give up my car stereo no ma'am no way.
Quote by foxylady2209
Silly, random, serious, deep, intellectual, Monty Pythonesque. Whatever. But deprive me of it, or dismiss it and I will walk away from you - permanently.
I could more easilly give up meat. (Both kinds)

:thumbup: I'd never thought about that, but yes, it would be hard. Hellish even.
Amongst others ice cream lol
An obvious one for me, but paintball. For the last twenty years, it has defined where I live, where I work, who my closest friends are and why my father despairs at my inability to 'grow up'. One weekend, back in the '90s, I was so broke and depressed at the thought of not been with my friends down the site, I actually sold my television to my neighbour so I could have the money to go play that very day. Sad, but true. :-)
Quote by Sarah
Amongst others ice cream lol

Ooooo I know some one that makes there own icecream. I dont like the stuff so will live with out that but I like the hundreds and thoudands but they aren't the same on toast..
Now where is Ben and that Triumph?
Humour :thumbup:
Quote by Dawnie
Humour :thumbup:

How else would you be able to put up with him? dunno
:giggle: bolt
Luffs you really Ian! ;-)
the five phases.
sound of the sea crashing on rocks.
my arms and hands.
when open they offer friendship and love.
when closed they defend.
long term health.