Why I keep returning to this thread is beyond me however.. 20p for pool and then the fuck up it made when the new 20p came into play etc!!!!
As for the words to the littlest hobo thanks rsab... been trying to pn that tune and now it will fuck me off for the evening as I won't forget it!!! will have to decide on a cd to play!!!
Perhaps I could go for "VINYL" and play some Brothers in Arms.... or the "Crocodile Dundee" Soundtrack, Top Gun, Dirty Dancing, Ferris Bueller!! Sigue Sigue Sputnik (Christ they keep flooding in!!!!)
When I saw the snooker table graphic as well it made me think of the Spectrum 48K... Daley Thompsons Decathlon and smacking the fuck out of two keys to get your man to run!!! Then I thought back... Jet Set Willy and Manic Miner so for you Spectrum gamers try this address...