Lets be honest. Do we really rate Christmas? Is it not too much money and effort tension and stress? Or is great feeling all jolly and loved up having a great family time with good food and drink.
Lets be honest is it all what its cracked up to be or is it just that we end up buying into the commecial hype. Or maybe you love the Christian ideology behind it - the miracle of the birth of Christ, etc.
Can't abide it.
Haven't since I was a child.
Too much stress and agnst in the house, and as I've aged (and there is a lot of that!) far too much commercialism and a prolonged lead-up to xmas itsself.
Christmas has now become far too commercial and expensive, it should be a time for quiet reflection in front of the fire on a cold day. And if you dont believe in God or there being a birth its def a waste of time n money.
I often wonder whether any religious festival would survive nowadays if there was a ban on making any form of profit for it?
And let's face it, the money-lenders still seem to be in the temple. ;-)
Hate it with a passion! Not becuase it's some bastardised, commercial parody of christmas, but because it just serves as a reminder of those who are no longer with us. Not been much fun since my dad died when I was a kid, so it's always kinda painful, moreso for my mam, cos her parents and 6 out of 10 brothers and sisters are no longer here either. We go through the motions, and try to enjoy it as best we can for everyone else's sake, but there's always a palpable sense of relief once New Year's out of the way.
N x x x ;)
Yes it is expensive, I do have gifts that I am still looking for someone to give them to. Someone who will not mention it to the person who gave it to me last year. I am told there are millions of pounds in unused gifts each year.
...but would I give it up? No, it marks the turning of the year.
To me all christmas is is a way of shops making more money out of us, the time of year more people get into debt, a reason for kids to get stuff they dont really need only to be broken in the bin weeks later, most kids now days dont even know what xmas is really about, to kids its just the time of year they get toys, dont get me wrong i love the look on my nippers face when she opens her toys as much as the next person but xmas has no religeous values which is what its supposed to be about so personally cant see the point is it, you may as well spread the cost over the year and just get kids stuff as they need it.
I have a dicotomy.
I enjoy the social run up to christmas and love giving and recieving presents but when money is tight I hate to see people getting into debt just to keep up with the neighbours etc.
The religious side of it anoys me as it is supposed to celebrate the birth of Jesus butif u listen to historians he was born in October. And why do people who do not believe in God celebrate a religious festival? The other thing is christmas was a pagan winter festival taken over by the Christians.
However, I do think that winter time is dull and dreary and cold and the social things do give a break in the midst of all this.
Idealy my hubby and I would pack our bags and spend christmas on a hot beach but haven't yet found the courage to tell the kids and the oldies that is what we would rather do.
I feel that there is a genuine sense of sharing in the spirit and energy that occurs at this time of year. To me it seems to last a few weeks and in some years a few months. That being more in line with pagan and natural energies than christian ideologies.
In days gone by I suppose communities had a feast and celebration during this period. Not all together either, but when they could. Then they hibernated during the worst part of the winter, until spring came round.
But now its a great commercial event, mercilessly executed.
I call it TAXmas.
christmas......... we celebrate other things .....fun enjoyment laughter friendliness love sharing giving atonement forgiveness and to see the smile on someones face when you do a good deed ......does this ring a bell ?????
christmas is what you make it nothing more nothing less .
steve xx
We absolutely LURVE christmas!!
But we have voted that it is an expensive waste of time .......... WHY!! you might ask (or not)
let us explain ....
Christmas is a wonderful time to relax and kickback, to enjoy your children, your parents and your whole family.
It is a glorious time of reflection and renewed hope, when nothing is too much trouble because nothing is exactly what is needed most of the time - and even when some effort is required all your friends and family are happy and keen to lend a helping hand.
Christmas reminds us of a joyous sense of community and togetherness with our friends and family
Christmas lasts for no more than 3 days - not 3 months or longer as some retail outlets would have us believe.
Christmas is not a celebration of conspicuous consumption.
Christmas is not a consumer orientated party of over-indulgence, targeted at our guilt-ridden failure to buy, buy, buy!!
It matters not wether you (or I) have any religous convictions (will he get probation or be sent down) - what matters for us is one phrase, which we repeat here and continue to try and hold dear if only for the 3 days or so of the christmas celebrations
And so with that thought uppermost in our minds we fervently wish you all 3 amazing days when your sincere desire to extend PEACE AND GOODWILL TO ALL will bring you all the joy and happiness it brings us
Christmas is what you make it.
Our Christmas involves plenty of food, more drink than usual (which isn't saying much to be honest) and getting together with family and presents. All good things.
It isn't - inviting people we don't like into our home, putting up with other people's unruly kids just cos they're in the same gene pool, watching bad Xmas specials, spending stupid money and starting the New Year with our stress and credit cards both maxed out.
Christmas Day itself is a relaxed affair with the only rule being, up and dressed by (Mostly cos I want my presents).
In summary; if you hate Christmas - do something about it. But don't suffer and then be unhappy.
HATE IT no if's no but's no excuses no reasons i jus hate it but not as much as i hate new year
I did have down 12 options to place on the poll (12 days of Chrimbo style) which, I thought, covered most angles but it seems that there is a limit of 5 to the number you can have :-(
It is interesting though what the poll shows. I must admit I always talk about Chrimbo in a bad light but everyone in my little family world knows - I love it really :-) I love buying the pressies I love doing the wrapping I like the treed being decorated (though I am not a lover of many Chrimbo decs. It all looks a bit tawdry to me and I would ditch card giving big time. I even love cooking the meals over Christmas if i'm honest. Especially as we have different foods of and the highest quality that we would in know way usually have.
To me it is a:-
1) Waste of money
2) Waste of time
3) Potential family warfare
4) Over indulgence
5) Stress
6) Lots of other things
Overall though - I love it! :bounce:
I don't hate it but I'm not the biggest fan. I don't do crowded shops or bad mannered crowds.
My kids get what I can afford and I've never heard them complain yet so I'm doing something right.
I do hate the way it turns into a competition as to who has already bought and wrapped their presents up, who has the tree up first etc. It's this type of showiness I can't abide!
I'm lucky in that I don't need to buy much food as we're at my parents on the day and relatives on Boxing day, both enjoyable days and I do look forward to that. My kids always plan a little show for Boxing day (with no adult input) and we play daft games like charades and my uncle does a singsong with the kids and his guitar.
I just wish we had more chances to do that during the year, but we all work different times and hours so it's easier to knit spaghetti!
My tree is still in the loft, I only have 2 presents so far and no Xmas cards yet!
I like the sound of the front door closing behind me after my last day's work before Christmas. The beautiful Angelica and I then look forward to all the family arriving in dribs and drabs for a fab time.
After years of working in Retail, I viewed Christmas as being just about money along with anger.
People just spending cash on at times rubbish.
Just because it's Christmas.
The manner that Customers are rude with each other & staff. It was not out of the ordinary for actual fights to occur in store between Customers... :shock:
Working in that enviorment isn't nice & it put's a strain on your Mental Health.
During my time working in Retail, I was really horrible to live with as coming home to Christmas...
Tree, Cards, Presents & people just talking about it got me angry.
The only good reason for the entire hoilday is a friend of mine, has a Party in her House that just plays this type of music all night long...
It's always the day after Boxing Day.
Apart from this, I hate Christmas.
Also looking into the Religion of Christianity, I have come to the conclusion that it's a myth.
The religion was just a cult in it's day that has become a world wide force due to the following:
In hoc signo vinces or in English
"in this you will conquer". This being the sign: ☧
Even the Ascension was added to the New Testament, 200 years after the alleged incident :shock: :!:
Religion is a myth therefore so is Christmas.
How many fights occur between Family Members due to this time of year?