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What do we see in Rock stars?

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There was an interesting discussion on our local radio the other day, they were discussing rock stars and what we see in them.. ie., sex symbols etc.
For me it's Jon Bon Jovi, but I don't know what it is he has other than a fab body! I don't necessarily like men with long hair but I do find rock stars god damned sexy!
What do others think? Is it the general look? the bad boy image? and which rock star rocks your boat? lol
Mmmmmm Jon Bon Jovi for me too. Or David Coverdale. It's the bad boy thing really :twisted:
Silky has a huge list .in fact she is likely to get damp over anyone who has long hair and can play lead guitar LOL but some favourites are Eddie Van Halen , and The Lead singer from Staind ( cant remember his name)
I always had the hots for Bruce Foxton of the Jam though if he wasn't famous I doubt I would give him a 2nd glance.
So it must be the bad boy image then... I was watching an interview on TV the other day between Pamela Stephenson (I think) and Sharon Osbourne. Sharon was saying that Ozzy frequently received BJ's (she admitted it didn't bother her as it was part of the being famous thing.. :shock: ) from adoring fans!
I don't think my lust for a rocker stretches to Ozzy I have to say lol
Long hair is for ladies! :lol2:
Seriously though I don't go for rocky/grungey men or women - famous or otherwise. In my teens I used to love Metallica, Nirvana, Pearl Jam etc, but I never fancied any of them.
Quote by Kiss
Long hair is for ladies! :lol2:
>snip< but I never fancied any of them.

I suppose you're too young to remember Ms Quatro at her finest Kiss? biggrin
Quote by LondonPlaything
Long hair is for ladies! :lol2:
>snip< but I never fancied any of them.

I suppose you're too young to remember Ms Quatro at her finest Kiss? biggrin
I don't remember her as such, but I know of her and her music etc.
I think I just prefer the preppy look in general.
I was a strange child - what can I say? lol
Oh God, men with long hair are just sooo sexy, my particular favorite was in a 90's band called Reef - it was more of a surfer look than rocker but he was the most gorgeous man ever to walk the earth redface - phew!!
I think the confidence to rock out on stage, the fact that they know they can have almost any girl they like (and do!), the arrogance, the money and the party lifestyle all contribute to the overall sexiness of the rock star.
They also remove their shirts often......
as far as musical stars go........i have to confes that as a wee tot (i was born in 1971) i had a crush on Les McKeown of the Bay City Rollers and :shock: Gary Glitter!!
In my teens I loved Adam Ant redface
BUt was more mad on Bruce Willis (still am today)....yum
Love also Ross Kemp (Grant Mitchell), and The Rock from the WWE american maybe for me its the bald/muscles/cavemen type of guy..... :P
OMG Wilddaisy - you just made me remember a band called Skin sillyhwoar:
Off to look for pics now!
Quote by Freckledbird
OMG Wilddaisy - you just made me remember a band called Skin sillyhwoar:
Off to look for pics now!
hope there wernt 4 in the band ,can you imagine top of the pops "and heres the four skins" redface
there was a *Four Skins* at one time... though if I get the implication of the name correctly, I doubt they had flowing locks
Quote by northeastcoupleuk
OMG Wilddaisy - you just made me remember a band called Skin sillyhwoar:
Off to look for pics now!
hope there wernt 4 in the band ,can you imagine top of the pops "and heres the four skins" redface
poke will we be hearing more of these wonderful jokes on the 28th??? if so.. bolt
Quote by jaymar
OMG Wilddaisy - you just made me remember a band called Skin sillyhwoar:
Off to look for pics now!
hope there wernt 4 in the band ,can you imagine top of the pops "and heres the four skins" redface
poke will we be hearing more of these wonderful jokes on the 28th??? if so.. bolt
loldepends wat drink you fill me with.... rolleyes
Quote by northeastcoupleuk
OMG Wilddaisy - you just made me remember a band called Skin sillyhwoar:
Off to look for pics now!
hope there wernt 4 in the band ,can you imagine top of the pops "and heres the four skins" redface
poke will we be hearing more of these wonderful jokes on the 28th??? if so.. bolt
loldepends wat drink you fill me with.... rolleyes
I won't be hearing them - I'll be elsewhere! biggrin
Quote by Freckledbird
OMG Wilddaisy - you just made me remember a band called Skin sillyhwoar:
Off to look for pics now!
hope there wernt 4 in the band ,can you imagine top of the pops "and heres the four skins" redface
poke will we be hearing more of these wonderful jokes on the 28th??? if so.. bolt
loldepends wat drink you fill me with.... rolleyes
I won't be hearing them - I'll be elsewhere! biggrin
Aaaw was hoping to meet you at last.. next time hopefully wink
Quote by Wilddaisy
Oh God, men with long hair are just sooo sexy, my particular favorite was in a 90's band called Reef - it was more of a surfer look than rocker but he was the most gorgeous man ever to walk the earth redface - phew!!
I think the confidence to rock out on stage, the fact that they know they can have almost any girl they like (and do!), the arrogance, the money and the party lifestyle all contribute to the overall sexiness of the rock star.
They also remove their shirts often......

Reef were ace... *thinks of Newquay and sighs*
eyes cyberlock again... *giggles behind hand*