Screen goddess Marilyn Monroe, was once quoted as saying
"What do I wear in bed? Why, Chanel No.5, of course"
What do YOU wear to bed?
I'm dead glam me and wear one of mr Bones old T shirts or shirts and a pair of knickers (for some bizarre reason I cant sleep if I dont have me butt covered)
This season, I shall mostly be wearing:
a tee-shirt, a very old jumper... and a cardi.
woolie hat for the chillier night.
gawd Im saucie!
At most, a pair of knickers.
in winter:- a nightie and pyjama bottoms with socks.
as the night turns into morning and the house warms up.. I lose the pyjama bottoms, warmer still the nightie comes off. The socks stay ! :twisted:
In summer.. I may get away with just sleeping without foot covering is impossible,I need to prevent the 'under the bed monster' from touching my feet.
bugger all, both of us lol
Usually nothing... but pjs if I'm cold, or staying at someone's house lol
Nola x
My boxers when i'm alone, maybe socks when im quite cold. If i have company then usually nothing but that can change to my boxers.