must admit that unless we eating out at our local Mexican place, chilli at home is always better than most pubs or restauraunts, which might show it the chilli powder packet rather than sourcing some scots bonnets and other peppers.
plus, they never seem to add a piece of chocolate/cocao either :twisted:
Cake - specifically Victoria Sponge. The slices you buy are so dry you could take them on an Arctic trek and they would last the whole trip unharmed.
Obvious ...... Ironing!!
Having a bath/shower... our bath is mhoosive loads of bubble bath, hot water, candles etc. Travel lodges/ premier Inns are more for convenience that cosy luxury. When I'm in the shower I like to use the shower head and be able to take it off the wall............and no !!! you dirty lot lol for use on my hair can always wash shampoo out better.
chilli on toast is wrong lol
On the same vein as your own bed being better and linked in to the home made chilli, you can't beat using your own dunny either.
The Chillians put choc in their chilli, its traditional
I`m suprised no ones has said make love, coz I think we do it best at home :inlove: