are there any symbles to let people know that you are interrested in meeting other swingers ?
I would say, one of the old..
"Honk if you're horny" signs would work..
perhaps a coloured lamp in the end window ?
green maybe ?
the line of doggers outside trying to get a gimpse might be a give away
What about a sign in the Window that says................. We are not looking for single males ?????????
well i was thinking of have SH letters put on to my Ankle chain :twisted:
I think if I went caravanning again, I'd print off the SH logo and put it in my most prominent window.. just in case like.
there are its a sign showing a caravan on a swing that was from a site we joined a bit ago ,
How about a nicely coloured sign that says "I might be a swinger but you're still not overtaking me"... grrrrrrrr @ caravans ... sad buggers, why take a part of your bleedin' home on holiday with you.. get a hotel... get a life!! .... lmao
Well its simple really . Although the signs on the caravan itself are not always obvious and can be very subtle , its the people themselves that make the signs . Rampant swingers in caravan parks almost always wear the telltale brown home knitted cardigan , and very baggy grey sweatpants. If the are sporting a 1976 benidorm t shirt thats a clue , and check if the lady is wearing fluffy pink mule slippers when she skips off to drain the chemical toilet . A very tight dry perm , with blue rinse is a good clue to swinging tendencies ( on men or women) and their car will almost certainly be a Triumph Acclaim ( usually brown) . Finally if they completely brazen and really want you to walk straight up and ask them if they fuck with strangers , then watch out for this symbol in their window.
If you see a sticker with that on , you may as well just go right up and stick your hands on their tits ! Its the swingers code . But shhhhhhh dont tell anyone else ok ?
I passeed one of these on the way to the NW Munch last year and took it as a good omen.