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what do you think?

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1 watcher
Great new layout but against use of postcodes. Have to have two internet explorers open so can see who is where. Very confusing.... dunno
i don't mind it too much. i think it should get more accurate results from genuine people but sure thats not true! once its set up and people get used to the new features sure everyone will like it more.
Lets face it, there is no going back... so lets see we are in the Beta phase, and a very public beta ;)
Fonts biggrin
Colours sad
Graphics confused
New Features smile
Hmmm... beta wait until we come out of the beta stages methinks... Personally as you can see above I am not sold on the lighter shades, just look washed out to me :) May I suggest a proper beta test next time you do a sitewide change? A demo server with dummy site so you can get feedback on the designs before you go live, and sort out the coding issues :)
Ok was a bit of a shock when I logged in tonight to find such drastic changes to SH, I notice a lot of peeps commenting on the use of postcodes, now I cant be sure if the system has been updated during the day or not but when I went through the update process I was asked for the first half of my postcode, NOT the full postcode. OK living in cornwall means that the postcode of PL26 covers a very large area and we would be difficult to track down, but even in urban areas the first part of the postcode still covers a considerable area/number of households and being tracked down to a few feet would be very unlikely.
Just my view
Still not sure if better yet tho
Hate It
But then again - Most of what I don't like about this has been mentioned time and time again in this thread.
Postcodes! I do not work for the postoffice - I do not carry a handy pockets sized guide to postcodes I don't know my so19 from my Ex12 so it really has absolutely no use whatsoever. In fact the only person I can think of who could use this function is Postie - and possibly only if he brings his work home with him!
The colours? I is blinded - nothing wrong with the old colours - they were bold and easy to read. The new ones are painfully pastel!
Having an 0870 helpline number for those who can't log in. Whatever is wrong with having an email account you can email to - or just a section on here for help. Of course it isn't money generating the way the helpline number is - but it'd work.
Apart from that - there is nothing else that particularly excites or displeases me!
Quote by mrcarrot_n_cream_41398
Ok was a bit of a shock when I logged in tonight to find such drastic changes to SH, I notice a lot of peeps commenting on the use of postcodes, now I cant be sure if the system has been updated during the day or not but when I went through the update process I was asked for the first half of my postcode, NOT the full postcode. OK living in cornwall means that the postcode of PL26 covers a very large area and we would be difficult to track down, but even in urban areas the first part of the postcode still covers a considerable area/number of households and being tracked down to a few feet would be very unlikely.
Just my view
Still not sure if better yet tho

I think the concern for me was that I run a small business online so anyone knowing my name town AND first part of my postcode could get personal details quite easily, including address phone number etc. Whilst I've not been secretive about this, I've never given enough detail out that would allow people to find this, running a search in google of my name and town does give some details but not enough for anyone to track me down etc. ... the postcode does kinda seal that.
St3v3 has removed that now so I feel a bit better smile
C x
I have been a member of this site for yoears and think it is the best, but i do not like the postcode idea, along with others.
Most postcodes will allow you to be located to a street, which is not good.
When searching i only need an area not a street, its also safer to have Manchester or Leeds rather than the ostcode, using a false one is just silly that way people would not know what area you were in.
The whole point of this excellent site is for people to meet.
Quote by Hornydevil43
When searching i only need an area not a street, its also safer to have Manchester or Leeds rather than the ostcode, using a false one is just silly that way people would not know what area you were in.
The whole point of this excellent site is for people to meet.

Using a false postcode that's within your general area will surely combat this? Mine is similar but not my actual postcode so it's still the same as saying "Manchesterish" without being too specific dunno
Quote by Angel Chat
When searching i only need an area not a street, its also safer to have Manchester or Leeds rather than the ostcode, using a false one is just silly that way people would not know what area you were in.
The whole point of this excellent site is for people to meet.

Using a false postcode that's within your general area will surely combat this? Mine is similar but not my actual postcode so it's still the same as saying "Manchesterish" without being too specific dunno
We have done exactly the same, have a post code which is very close to our own but not exactly the same as where we live. I mean, come on, we have never tried to hide where we come from but we dont want to give out all our details confused
I really do hope the postcode bit is taken off the site, not a good move!
can anyone please let me know how i can change my postcode i keep trying & nothing is working starting to get worried even if its hidden its still visible on the main ads page confused
One of my fleeting visits to the boards... I think I must be one of the very few who actually quite likes the change, at least in theory.
Not happy about the personal data issues, the colourscheme will take quite a bit of getting used to (ie could be better), and it seems very slow at the moment, but as a very casual user (check the ads to see just who doesn't live anywhere near me most days, pop into the boards once every few months at most) I have to say there seems to be a slight improvement in functionality that might not be a bad thing smile
I thought the postcode thing only showed the first bit, which at most will narrow you down to a particualr town or suburb. Maybe still too much info (and I'm waiting to see if I get a plethora of available horny young women, or an attack from a net psycho first), but not to the point where anyone looking will know your shoe size and breakfast preference :)
One thing I have noticed, and quite how welcome it'll be (and it might be postcode related, I don't know), is I seem to be able to search for specific ages, genders, and activities. Which for me, as a naturally quite shy person, means I might be able to actually find the balls to contact someone for the first time since finding the site, as I'll have a better idea of whether or not there's a chance of compatibility. This might have been around for a while and I never noticed it, but I definately think of all the possible downsides to the revamp, this is a definite plus.
Can you tell I had two large glasses of plonk writing the above? If so, I apologise! confused
I think I am in the minority but I quite like it to - have been on the site for over an hour now and had not had an error page yet !!!
The only think I dont like, so far, is the postcode thingy ... makes it soooo much harder when looking through the adverts to see where people are ... the old system was so much better AND because we live in a fairly small area, it wouldnt be hard to work out who we were ... dont like that at all - so for the time being a false postcode has been put in but then what's the point !!!
Anyway - its only the first day so we should expect things not to be perfect I suppose but I think it should have been tested with maybe the mods first to get their impressions and ideas before going live.
I await with bated breath to see if they change the postcode thing .. SOON PLEASE !!!
I appreciate that at the moment we are in a test phase, but I do think that the problems highlighted need to be sorted out quite quickly.
We visit the Forums and know what is going on, so we can be patient, but the majority of people using the site do not know about the change of management and are likely to abandon the site very quickly.
I agree with everyone else, the postcode thing is confusing and potentially quite dangerous. You can easily track down our nearest tube station from our postcode.
One aspect of the old photo-ads I liked was the simple update option. Could we have that back? Pretty please?
personaly i like the old format for photo adds...and for seach but the only improvment ive seen is the chat room
that 'im loving it' answer on the poll is creeping up!
Well logged in tonight after a couple of weeks away and what can I say?
The site may look good but the light blue on white is utter rubbish and is just difficult to read.
Maybe it is because I am abroad, but I do not seem to need a postcode.
I suppose we wait and see, but PLEASE change the font colour!!!!!!!!
Well now you can actually change the post code (yer couldn't earlier) I like it :shock:
We're going to have a post code north of watford gap, cos that lot have more fun up there :rascal:
Anyone Noticed all that is said about Money? Free Registration, well our question is, what else will they charge us for? contact with each other, or what?
Bring back the old site please we all knew where we were then.
Boo Hoo sob sob wail and blah :cry: :taz:
I think the front page should be a bit clearer about the charges that will be introduced in the future.
At the moment there is a big speach about "free registration",forever, but no mention that some aspects of the site will be payable in the future.
Why not be upfront about it? Most people who have been to a swingers site will have already been stung by the slightly misleading "free registration" line, which appears on so many Paysites.
Could the Free registration drop down thing be a result of using a pre-packed software? I'm not up to speed on what's been happening around here the last few months, but when I noticed the free/ paid bit in the box my first thought was "lazy sods, not sorting the software out properly".
As for the postcode, I'm still struggling to see why it's quite such a big deal. Let's say someone from my first half postcode had an ad up. Looking at most ads, unless Tescos started doing a topless night and I happened to be there the same time as the advertiser, I think it'd be a struggle to recognise them! I do agree it should be optional, but as the point of ads is surely to meet people, isn't it in the least bit handy to have a clue roughly (as in you can use a p/c one or two away from you if you're that concerned) what part of the globe they tend to be? smile Maybe a distance thing instead would be better, but I've seen someone argue against that as well...
I do think the whole thing should maybe have been tested properly before going live though.
well the colours are errr horrible :shock: :shock: sorry and see the post counts are back lol and mailbox not sure why change something that looked good?????? on plus side user menu is good and I can actually cancel my account hahahahahaha
did I miss something rolleyes
not to keen on post codes have to use the royal mail site to find out what area people are in and it should not be available just an area likebefore for the protection of others.
this does indicate a small area as that is all you need for sat nav
not one of the best ideas ive seen can we go back to stated areas instead of post codes
One new feature I will like immensely if it gets used properly is the self-deactivation thingy over there ----------->
It will save the flouncers the trouble of having to keep coming back to tell us they're leaving every other week.
I'm christening it the "Burn Your Bridges and Bog Off" tool. biggrin
Quote by Shambolic
As for the postcode, I'm still struggling to see why it's quite such a big deal..

Its a big deal as we got it wrong in that despite the options to hide it, show the nearest town or count and the tests we made, the options didn't work for everyone.
Add that to the server config problems and its a balls up so peeps will get upset and post what they think.
More changes are needed to make usability better but it will take time, when we have finished, the site will work faster and it will have more features.
The biggest problem we had was speeding up the photo ads and trying to eliminate all of the problems, it should be better now but it isn't finished.
OMG when did this all happen... im assuming today coz it was fine last night....
i like the profile ideas including the postcode bit, its only the first part but hey each to their own
for the new site owner
Change it back its dreadful, have you seen the amount of shite thats been put on the photo ad's your causing your mods a great deal of hastle....
what was wrong wit the old colours and old ways of doing things, couldnt you integrate the good bits with the old bits not completely change it...
Have a look a the poll... 80% of the people on here using it cant satand it...
If it aint broke dont fix it!!!
i wish i could say rant over but the more i use it the more it annoys me...
oh yeah... what a great idea ,change the chat room to a wankers paradise... just brilliant! rolleyes
Quote by st3v3

As for the postcode, I'm still struggling to see why it's quite such a big deal..

Its a big deal as we got it wrong in that despite the options to hide it, show the nearest town or count and the tests we made, the options didn't work for everyone.
Add that to the server config problems and its a balls up so peeps will get upset and post what they think.
More changes are needed to make usability better but it will take time, when we have finished, the site will work faster and it will have more features.
The biggest problem we had was speeding up the photo ads and trying to eliminate all of the problems, it should be better now but it isn't finished.
i personally think this is a fab post, it shows that the new admin ARE taking into account what we as users are saying and trying to put things right.
Quote by st3v3
More changes are needed to make usability better but it will take time, when we have finished, the site will work faster and it will have more features.

there was nothing wrong with it!
yes to more features.... but come on... there were no complaints before hand it worked fine....
The poll shows nothing ... except 86 people have been bothered to vote ... out of 357364 that's hardly a fair representation is it?
Yes there are problems, glitches ... but we're all still here (well hopefully all) and problems are being ironed out. We might not like the way the new management do things but we haven't got much choice. confused :shock:
A few weeks and hopefully we'll all be happy bunny's.
C x