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Quote by dundeefella
How come pictures in our private galleries have to be authorised but photo ad pictures don't!
C x

Couldnt possibly answer that C, without seeing ur private gallery
:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
I don't have one.
Quote by Jas-Tim
Thanks Phredd biggrin
Over 50 New members in the last half an hour dunno
Porn site OR swinging site :dunno:

So that's 50 @ , if thewy want to post or see pics, not bad going for one half hour,, even with all these glitches. :shock: :shock: :shock:
Lets all press the cancel account button - once i've seen Calista's Gallery
Quote by dundeefella
Thanks Phredd biggrin
Over 50 New members in the last half an hour dunno
Porn site OR swinging site :dunno:

So that's 50 @ , if thewy want to post or see pics, not bad going for one half hour,, even with all these glitches. :shock: :shock: :shock:
Lets all press the cancel account button - once i've seen Calista's Gallery
You can press it all you want ... it won't help you it doesn't point to a swinging heaven address :shock:
Oh bollocks I have over 600 messages and I have to delete them individually one at a time now and I have lost my tear emoticons .... not a happy bunny here.
Quote by poker-4-u-
Thanks Phredd biggrin
Over 50 New members in the last half an hour dunno
Porn site OR swinging site :dunno:

So that's 50 @ , if they want to post or see pics, not bad going for one half hour,, even with all these glitches. :shock: :shock: :shock:
where has 49 95 come from if you are right then getting out now
Only new users have to pay to use the services. Anyone registered before then gets them free.
Quote by Jas-Tim
Only new users have to pay to use the services. Anyone registered before then gets them free.

Bargain of the century :shock:
Gem. x
Quote by devondelight
Oh bollocks I have over 600 messages and I have to delete them individually one at a time now and I have lost my tear emoticons .... not a happy bunny here.

Thanks to who ever deleted the old pm's down to 177 now ... still alot to sort out but over 400 less is a major help .. just the emoticons to sort out now lol
Not finding the new look site as good as the last, as someone said earlier "if it aint broke dont fix it" postcode thing is bit offputting also better to have location, and safer, wonder what Mark thinks when he logs on will he be impressed or saddened????
Bet he was well impressed.................NOT !!! :shock: :shock: :shock:
Muttleys Hello both.
I think you may find Mark still logged in and I am also told that both Mark & Helen are mods
on SH. Only told that today so do not know hoe true it is.
phredd :love: &
No offence to anyone in management....
But the new Chatroom is going to drive more people away than entise people in...
It is something akin to feeding time at the zoo!!!!
people being pounced on, lots of spamming and abuse going on.....loads of pressure trying to get the women to do stuff.....
and with the lack of mods it is basically a free for all!!!!! if this is the route that the site is going then congratulation.... you are going to kill the golden goose you were wanting to get your hands on......
sean xxxx
Well thats a bit of news phredd, and no mistake.
If its correct then, i very much welcome Mark and Helens involvement, especially if it brings about a situation where there past experience may be utilised to improve matters on the site.
if you read this Mark and Helen, then it would be lovely to see you in here more often.
Best regards to you both xxxxxxxxxxxx
Steve and Gilly xxxxxxxx
Quote by neilinleeds
beta implies brand new, but we been doing this for time? ;)

Actually Alpha is for testing a new product in the developers offices, and a beta would be letting it out to a limited number of customers at their sites for review.... Somthing that it would have been a very good idea for us to have done with this new site.
Leaves a few key questions
1. Beta Tests
Why was this not beta tested, even using just the mods as a test would have cleared up a lot of issues? They could have provided a lot of feedback.
2. Look and feel.
I saw one idea for the logo and nothing else. Could the membership not have been sent some screenshots of the ideas to soften the blow?
3. Bugs
You were redesigning a site with a multi thousand user base, yet there seems to have been no plan to handle the confusion and bugs this sort of change would cause. Would you rollout XP and Win XP to 5000 disparate users with no training on 1 night in the business world and not have a pre planned rollback and helpdesk policy? Here you rolled out to a lot more than that, yet the glitch thread was started by a member :shock:
Quote by Jas-Tim
Thanks Phredd biggrin
Over 50 New members in the last half an hour dunno
Porn site OR swinging site :dunno:

So that's 50 @ , if they want to post or see pics, not bad going for one half hour,, even with all these glitches. :shock: :shock: :shock:
, is it really? Where does it say that? Is that what is planned?
Hi, I can see the use of post codes but when browsing ads it's essential to be able to see the town/area - I'm completely lost without that at the moment. I know most people are only looking locally but I meet people all over the UK from this site and a long list of post codes is about as much use as a chocolate fireguard! I'd need to spend a whole day trying to figure out which ones might be along the route I'm taking - I dare say this applies to people going on holiday and hoping to play as well as us business travellers! Any particular reason why we can't put the area where we want to play on the ad title line as well?
Maybe it'll seem better when the search is working? I really do just want to scan through all the couple ads pulling out any that are in the areas I go through though and can't see how I'll ever be able to do that without the town names very prominent on the ad as they used to be.
apologies for another long ramble. i did try concise, honest, but this was small as i could it! lol last one for a few days anyways, so bear with me . . . at least this one is kinda aiming for constructive, i hope? ;)
merging the ads, forum, chatroom profiles together seems now a huge mistake, and it's gonna cause uproar. forum users are a different breed altogether to those that only use the ad section, and both are as different again to chatroom users. there's very little crossover between the 3 systems, but in merging the database, we've kind of been painted all one colour.
the good thing about having 3 seperate logins was that the search functions were specific to each kind of user. everyone's left to their own devices in whatever bit of the site suits them best, among "like-minded" others, and can opt in or out of the other bits of the site at will. in merging and linking everything together, different kinds of users with different wants and motivations have been lumped together in a way that doesn't recognise those different approaches, and that can only cause problems.
we all know that a lot of the ads are posted and replied through by chancers, trolls, spam-merchants, etc, who don't quite get it, and have little idea of how things work. suddenly they have a direct line to every member in every part of the site from a single search, and some will quite probably assume everything works just like the ads, and that people are just sitting around waiting for cockshots to land in their inbox.
the obvious benefit i can see in doing that, commercially, is simply that it looks better showing 350 000 profiles, but it means users can now click straight into everything a member does in ads, forum or chat, and see who's a regular, active member. those who are active in the forum or chatroom will naturally become the contacts of choice for a user who only has their search results to go by. a tiny percentage of site users, measured in hundreds of members, not tens or hundreds of thousands, will bear the brunt of the one-line, scatter-gun, spam brigade, cos the expectation will quite reasonably be that these are the "proper" swingers on here, and the best people to contact.
we've already seen forum members getting stupidly high numbers of unwelcome, one-line PMs from people they don't know from adam. this will only get worse, and in the long run those people will get royally pissed off with it, and SH risks losing the very members that make SH, organise events, and keep the best things about the site going . . . those who make subsciption membership attractive to new users in the first place. if users drift away from the forum or chatroom cos they're being bombarded by tossers, and stop putting on events cos it's just too much aggravation, all you have left is a photo ads system that achieves little, and offers nothing like what SH currently has going for it.
there's good reason for keeping the ads seperate, and i think already it seems it might make sense to return it to how it was. not doing that will just create a rod for the backs of admins and mods alike, and make an already thankless task worse IMO, and it will do nothing to help retain the loyalty of existing members who feel that their value as a saleable commodity takes priority over other considerations, like privacy and the freedom to enjoy the site without constant aggravation.
neil x x x ;)
Neil, I fully agree 100% to everything you have said above. Its the regular members that make this site what it is, and it is those very same members which are being driven away with all the 'improvements'.
I know this is only a web site, and in the scheme of things is not that important when you look at all the other things which are going on in peoples lives, but I actually feel saddened, as though an old friend has died. I am greiving for the 'old site' and the people who came on here.
Its always nice to have new members but this has just got totally out of hand. How long ago was it that Eager Slut did a post welcoming the 25,000th member? Look at the number now, over nearly 359,000 :shock: Just how many of them are true 'swingers' and how many are chancers presuming this is a 'quick shag' site? Ok, some members want a quick shag, but that was never what swinging heaven was about, it was a way to meet and get to know like minded people. I am sorry to say that I feel that as been lost, and we are now 'members' of a quick shag site! We could stand on the street corner if thats what we wanted!
I understand that the new owners want/need to make money, but I am now feeling that this is at the expense of existing members. I sat on the fence and kept quiet when they took over and thought that I would just wait and see what changes they did make. However, I am very disapointed at the changes and feel that these changes will actually backfire on the owners and they will end up losing the very people who make this site (forums) the 'community' that it is!
R.I.P Swinging Heaven :cry:
We miss you xxx
Credit where credit is due, I mailed the admins here with a problem regarding a personal pic being public. Sorted out in less than 1 hour with no hassle at all...
Neilinleeds and NWC
Two of the best post's so far. No way do I want to add comments to them.
Thank you both but please remember we, the flesh and blood still live on.
Neil mate = one of the best. Nice to know ya
NWC = Do I need words to say how I feel. Nooooo :love: and hand shake.
Quote by tallnhairy
Credit where credit is due, I mailed the admins here with a problem regarding a personal pic being public. Sorted out in less than 1 hour with no hassle at all...

I fully agree, the admin must be working their little socks off and none of what I have said is not ment as any disrespect of the new owners who I can see are working very hard to rectify the bugs in the system, but please, please, please put things back before you lose too many members and end up with just thousands of the 'one liner' briggade :cry:
You use to be able to click on other peoples profile and view there posts...that seems to have gone :cry:
well been off line for a few days come back on to find this has happend...........
I know i didnt post a lot but now I will be posting even less dont like the whole set up ......
post code why dont need them for e-mail so why have them????
Dear mr ringtone company "Please put our site back as it was"
well heres hopping the money men are reading, i for one will give it one month then if its still the same will logout for ever :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
this isnt swinging heaven its swinging hell
Well I've got to say I'm not liking the new site so far. My fingers and every thing else that can be crossed are crossed in the hope that the problems are just teething troubles. I logged in briefly last night and it took forever too load up a couple of pages. It seems a tad faster tonight. Guess we will just have to wait and see.
I'm glad I read through this thread as i hadn't realised that the postcode was visable. I've changed ours to a nearby city centre postcode. That way the general area is known but not exact location.
Les x
Quote by freckledbird
frekkled bird pls translate me crap spelling n punktuation for pple lol xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Bugger off Chris, I haven't got that long lol wink
sad but just how long have u got bev ohhherrr that sounds funny dunit lol :wink:
Am i allowed to use the well worn phrase "Clucking Spite"? dunno
In all honesty - A lot of what i see happening here now, I sadly remember predicting in my now deleted post when the takeover was announced ( and don't worry Mods - You are having a Hell of a tough time already, dealing with this s*i*e - I have no intention of reposting it
I find I am, becoming more and more frustrated/ annoyed/ pissed off, each time i try to carry out the simplest of functions i once took for granted ( adding emoticons for instance). The ads are 97% un-usable now as i am not the sharpest knife in the drawer when it comes to instantly deciphering the geographical locations ( i know - i should have paid more attention at school)
I've heard the phrase " if it ain't broke - don't fix it" used so many times in this and other threads and kinda agreed. However i'm sad to say I'm switching camps - It's broken, knackered - Fix it please!
how long is the postcode issue going to drag on? In my niave mind there is a simple solution - remove it - we didn't need it before, we don't need it now - other sites seem to do very well with geographical searches, and without having a postcode plastered all over the ad. Perhaps a bit more thought with the application could have saved so much greif!
anyway - what do i know?
(sitting back and waiting to be told how little i really do know)
All i can say is THANK GOD the postcode i used is a few hundres miles from me evil
up to now i've had 3 married men want me to meet them and 'not tell the wife' ffs who are these people ohhh bugger and i cant name em but pm if you want details wink although i'd like to thank the one man that said to be careful about the postcode as it narrowed the area i live in down too much big big big kiss to him (shows theres a few gents here that weren't already friends)
Your gonna kill this site if you dont sort it out and SOON
So, a little over 80% of site users would like everything put back the way it was.
Does the new management have any comment on this? Is the customer always right?
Quote by tallnhairy
You were redesigning a site with a multi thousand user base, yet there seems to have been no plan to handle the confusion and bugs this sort of change would cause. Would you rollout XP and Win XP to 5000 disparate users with no training on 1 night in the business world and not have a pre planned rollback and helpdesk policy? Here you rolled out to a lot more than that, yet the glitch thread was started by a member :shock:

Well MS did that when it released XP onto the world... Full of bugs, and old TCP/IP stack, buffer overruns, and general crap.
Worked for them as they still are the market leaders in OS, desktop, software!
Just a though, whats going to happen about all the munches if all the regulars decide they've had enough of this site now, i mean to be honest the past few times i have been in i havn't been able to get on at all cause the sites been down, and when i have theres been problems with posting, i hope it does not come to this but don't give you much faith in the site being here at all in a cpl weeks, just wondered if it does come to that what will happen with all the things people have arranged?