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What does your gut instinct tell you?

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I believe your gut instinct to mean that first feeling you feel, you can not explain it as I believe it is unique to each individual.
I read a book about natural thinking and that explains that the gut reaction is something that has taken years of generations and given to us though our genes as learned lessons from our past families and something we all don’t listen to and question.
I have always relied on my gut instinct and have always felt it is something we should never question, although I believe it is something we question within to always see if we can catch it out. Kind of an unproved science. I would always listen to it first though and try to prove it wrong, than go against it and it proves me wrong.
What is your gut reaction and have you found it to be right or wrong?
I just find this a fascinating topic
I was once told by someone very knowledgeable that gut instinct was your brain taking on board all the available information from your senses.
Weighing it up against its vast database of information and spitting out the answer which is 99.9% correct. That is why you should always go with your gut.
In my family there is a thread of being 'fey' - basically seeing what others can't see. My Mum thinks it's something supernatural. That's nonsense. But I know she and I and others tend to take to or against people very quickly, and mostly accurately. That's gut instinct and in our case, being able to read people.
Knowledge-wise I have learned to rely on my first thought; my subconcious brain is far better at delivering information than my concious attempts at memeory. I tend to over-think things otherwise. It makes Trivial Pursuit and QI pretty funny sometimes - I'll come out with a random answer in about half a second and it's often right. I'm not clever - it's just my brain chucking out answers without my input.
Well my gut tells me no more Danone
(Call it instinctive, but most people try to keep upwind at the moment)
Have you tried this version of 'gut instinct' ?

Investing money, changing jobs, getting married: all big decisions that can mark a leap into the unknown. Now, a new brain-imaging study finds that the higher the level of uncertainty, the more likely it is that emotion and gut insinct, not logic, will rule.
This insight into what goes on in the brain when decisions are made in the face of missing information sheds light on how people save for retirement, how companies price insurance and how countries evaluate risks, ranging from climate change to terrorist attack.
Even ordering a strange-sounding dish at an exotic restaurant will summon the help of the same centre of the brain, one linked with handling emotions, which is different to the centre used when the brain weighs up known risks, such as the probability that a tossed coin will land heads up.
The "unknown risk" centre of the brain that acts when we face a decision laced with uncertainty has been pinpointed by "experimental economists" at the California Institute of Technology and the University of Iowa, led by Prof Colin Camerer.
The more emotional parts of the brain, known as the amygdala and orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) are involved. The almond-shaped amygdala, found in each half of the brain, is linked with vigilance, fear and pleasure. As for the OFC, the structure is associated with the integration of emotional and cognitive input.
The team suggests that the OFC and amygdala work together when a person is confronted with something for which the odds are unknown. The amygdala sends a "caution" message and the OFC processes the message.
Hope these help
gut instinct I think is the head over the heart reaction. Sometimes your head tells you one thing....and its based on logic.....however your heart says something else.
Its which do you listen to ? .....your gut reaction..which is your head logical so often based ofcause correct !!!
Quote by deancannock
gut instinct I think is the head over the heart reaction. Sometimes your head tells you one thing....and its based on logic.....however your heart says something else.
Its which do you listen to ? .....your gut reaction..which is your head logical so often based ofcause correct !!!

Or do the absolute worst thing which is to ignore all your own inputs and base a decision on what other people want you to do - or worse, what you imagine they want you to do. Blight if my flaming life that was!
As a species we have evolved to make quick judgements and I think this is what gut instinct is. However quick choices can only be make on a limited amount of information (going back thousands of years it was essential for survival). In this modern age we can afford more time to take in more information before making a final judgement, although as humans are generally lazy we don't tend to bother unless it is about something very important. I think gut instinct is pretty reliable.. millions of years of evolution can't be wrong ;)
I think mine tells me a lot about people and situations. I am on my own say so pretty good at judging people right from the the word go. Is this person going to be a good help to what I am doing or a right pain in the arse. I am right nearly all of the time. I fell I am also very good at waling into a bar and knowing this is a good bar to be in or no get the hell out if here.
Quote by foxylady2209
In my family there is a thread of being 'fey' - basically seeing what others can't see. My Mum thinks it's something supernatural. That's nonsense. But I know she and I and others tend to take to or against people very quickly, and mostly accurately. That's gut instinct and in our case, being able to read people.
Knowledge-wise I have learned to rely on my first thought; my subconcious brain is far better at delivering information than my concious attempts at memeory. I tend to over-think things otherwise. It makes Trivial Pursuit and QI pretty funny sometimes - I'll come out with a random answer in about half a second and it's often right. I'm not clever - it's just my brain chucking out answers without my input.

About 20 years ago I had a girlfriend who could read people, it was at times quite spooky. I first noticed it during sex, at the time I had the best sex I had ever had in my life with her. She seemed to know what I wanted, I would start to think, wouldn't it be nice now if she did..... and before I new it she was doing it, without a word being spoken. But it went way beyond that as she seamed to know what people were thinking and what they were about to say.
On the op, I would say my gut instinct is correct 95% of the time.