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What does your man smell of?

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1 watcher
Tuna ???? Nope smackbottom .............. is more veggie than that :giggle:
Sam xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Warming the Bed
me fella smells of monkey poo lol :lol: :lol:
Warming the Bed
me fella smells of monkey poo lol :lol: :lol:
Warming the Bed
Quote by liverpool24u
me fella smells of monkey poo lol :lol: :lol:

sorry guys...he doesnt really he smells of erm...i dont know really, he just has his own smell, which is nice!
Quote by liverpool24u
me fella smells of monkey poo lol :lol: :lol:

sorry guys...he doesnt really he smells of erm...i dont know really, he just has his own smell, which is nice!
What? Triple Monkey Poo!!? rotflmao
Sex God
By now today I would imagine furniture removing and dust.......................... :shock:
You know where the shower is when you get home xxxx
Quote by earthchild
ok, goes off into the corner to cry, so jealous, all i got to sniff is the budgie, and he tries to bite me if i do :cry: :cry: :cry:

I'm with you on that one Earthchild....I haven't got anyone to sniff either....
Anyone fancy lending me their fella so I can spend all my time ummmm sniffing him? :twisted:
Quote by DreamerHelen
ok, goes off into the corner to cry, so jealous, all i got to sniff is the budgie, and he tries to bite me if i do :cry: :cry: :cry:

I'm with you on that one Earthchild....I haven't got anyone to sniff either....
Anyone fancy lending me their fella so I can spend all my time ummmm sniffing him? :twisted:
You can both borrow Steve ............... but you have to do his ironing too :giggle:
Sam xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Master of Sex
whats hai karate! .........................must be a bit too young to remeber that one bolt
only kidding.... :P :giggle: .......and darkfire...where ever you are stay outta this got me all paranoid now :eeek:
im ready for ya whip
Quote by Jags
As long as he's moved on from Hai Karate I'm happy!
:shock: :shock:
Quote by blonde
ok, goes off into the corner to cry, so jealous, all i got to sniff is the budgie, and he tries to bite me if i do :cry: :cry: :cry:

I'm with you on that one Earthchild....I haven't got anyone to sniff either....
Anyone fancy lending me their fella so I can spend all my time ummmm sniffing him? :twisted:
You can both borrow Steve ............... but you have to do his ironing too :giggle:
Sam xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

thats very generous of you Sam, if we keep him naked there wont be any ironing :twisted:
Quote by earthchild
ok, goes off into the corner to cry, so jealous, all i got to sniff is the budgie, and he tries to bite me if i do :cry: :cry: :cry:

I'm with you on that one Earthchild....I haven't got anyone to sniff either....
Anyone fancy lending me their fella so I can spend all my time ummmm sniffing him? :twisted:
You can both borrow Steve ............... but you have to do his ironing too :giggle:
Sam xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

thats very generous of you Sam, if we keep him naked there wont be any ironing :twisted:
That sounds even better :giggle:
Can you tell I am sick of the ironing ......... I thought I was hiding it quite well :giggle:
Sam xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Sex God
A little word in your ear................
Get him to do his own ironing, division of labour and all that.................
when i met him he used to have two horrid aftershavs and used to tell me i should pick wich i liked best! confused
anyway, i soon got him into shape and made him change over to dolce and gabanna pour homme. once i got a whiff of it, i decided it was the one for him , and for almost 2 years its all he has worn.
not that i am bossy or anything!
as for his natural smell, are we talking about before or after his bath after work????????????? :shock: :shock:
Quote by well_busty_babe
as for his natural smell, are we talking about before or after his bath after work????????????? :shock: :shock:

Well I hope Angelica wasn't talking about my Peppermint aftershave by Wrigleys!! rotflmao
Where is that girl? Must remind her she's got a thread to look after here. Newbies rolleyes