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What Does Your Shampoo Say About You?.

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Is there a Connection between you an your shampoo!..
Why do you use the one you do?.
The Name?.. The Price?.. The Smell?.... The Colour?..
I use some real cheap "Cookies and Cream" Named and lovely smelling shampoo!.. however its cheap and you probably wouldnt see it advertised on The Model Channel.
So What does this say about yours truely?.. Well i figured it says that im easily pleased, Dont take self too seriously And Wouldnt pay a fortune for shampoo!.. biggrin
So what does your shampoo say about you?
Has anyone put Immac in someone else's shampoo? Or is that just too evil a thought for this time of night?
Meself.... I have no hair, so.... I don't use shampoo....
After gardening long and hard and being indecisive about going to a world music gig I had a shower and used this 'Enhance your hair colour golden blonde' bollocks which I bought about 5 and a half months ago. And then I started playing Sudoko and surfing SH and having a lovely conversation with Norfolk_couple and so 5 hours later I haven't looked in a mirror and have no idea what colour I am!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Any shampoo thats smells of coconuts!
Don't spend too long washing your hair though...
Just wash...and go!!
OK I've had a look. Quite blonde and shiny really.
And here I am home alone. What a waste.
Quote by postie
Has anyone put Immac in someone else's shampoo? Or is that just too evil a thought for this time of night?
Meself.... I have no hair, so.... I don't use shampoo....

i did that to a housemate at university (oh student japes, how sad!!!) I feel awful about it now cos loads fell out and he's now real thin on top. its never grown back properly
Quote by the_magik_s
Is there a Connection between you an your shampoo!..
Why do you use the one you do?.
The Name?.. The Price?.. The Smell?.... The Colour?..
I use some real cheap "Cookies and Cream" Named and lovely smelling shampoo!.. however its cheap and you probably wouldnt see it advertised on The Model Channel.
So What does this say about yours truely?.. Well i figured it says that im easily pleased, Dont take self too seriously And Wouldnt pay a fortune for shampoo!.. biggrin
So what does your shampoo say about you?

Although i must admit i do steal some of my fiancee's French sounding and expensive bottle of whatever it is!.. Does feel nicer but doesnt smell no where near as good!.. Its all about the scent i guess!.
Oh and Tea Tree's agoodun too!.
And With ref to a post above.. I once saw someone use what he thought was shampoo in his hair and what followed was a complete noise combined with short screams (yelps). I later found out that someone else had put Radiant B mixed with Vinegar in to his vosene bottle. :shock:
I stopped using shampoo about 5 years ago and started to use just water after reading an article that said your hair looks after itself. I wash my hair every day and it is never dull and very soft. However I think that because we have very soft water in Scotland that helps.
Quote by postie
Has anyone put Immac in someone else's shampoo? Or is that just too evil a thought for this time of night?
Meself.... I have no hair, so.... I don't use shampoo....

so no point in slipping it in your shampoo then :twisted:
Hummmm ! rolleyes
I love a really nice smell from a bottle.. :roll: Don't get me wrong I do have a price limit.
But the more expensive is not always the best. evil
So I must be somewhere in the middle. :roll: :roll:
Oooh that could bring a smile to my face ! :lol2: :lol2: :lol2: :lol2:
Quote by MrsFC
Hummmm ! rolleyes
I love a really nice smell from a bottle.. :roll: Don't get me wrong I do have a price limit.
But the more expensive is not always the best. evil
So I must be somewhere in the middle. :roll: :roll:
Oooh that could bring a smile to my face ! :lol2: :lol2: :lol2: :lol2:

don't mind a bit of colour from one either eh...... :giggle:
asda... cheap....skinhead....not really bothered loololol
well not quite skinhead now lol
I think my choice of shampoo shows me to be a fickle thing :shock:
I must admit I often have more than a dozen different types on my bathroom shelf. From some ordinary ones smelling of fruits and herbs to fairly expensive perfumed ones.
I wash my hair everyday and get bored using the same stuff all the time, hence the variety rolleyes lol
My shampoo is apparently "mild", is for "normal to delicate hair" and is "softening almond & vanilla". I tend to use less and less shampoo over the years, as I gradually succumb to male pattern baldness. I guess whatever brand of shampoo I use won't make any difference anyway.
heres my favourite, its all about the shape of the bottle :P :P please take a look. click on products :shock:
ALL WOMEN SHOULD HAVE .....and its a good shampoo and conditioner lol wink
Quote by jezzay
OK I've had a look. Quite blonde and shiny really.
And here I am home alone. What a waste.

Know how u feel, we are both home alone for the whole weekend .............. dunno
I use more conditioner than shampoo. Shampoo just makes my hair frizz. Still, it's gotta beeee teee treeee!! biggrin
I am blonde and shiney and home alone too !
mines fruity.......................... :twisted:
I use baby shampoo, you got a problem with that.
I have just had me head shaved so my shampoos going to be saying ...hey wheres the hair ???? rolleyes
and I'm running out so it's gonna be the hair saying 'hey, where's the shampoo?!'
I use VO5 most of the time but get through loads of conditioner because my hair is so thick and horrible rolleyes
My shampoo said that i was doing disgusting things with the tube of toothpaste. You cant believe a word he says....
Quote by postie
Has anyone put Immac in someone else's shampoo? Or is that just too evil a thought for this time of night?
Meself.... I have no hair, so.... I don't use shampoo....

Yes, the ex's :grin:
Right now my shampoo says, pour a bath and come use me you minging monger!
i use what evers going apparently its good for your hair if you change your shampoo regularly so at the moment im using head n sholders - and this says about me that im cheap , quick n easy oh yeh n i had dandruff!!!!! lol
I had a dream last night.. And in it i had hair like "Jimmy fix it"" or is it Jimm'll fix it?.. you know.. bald on top with long hair around the sides and mulletish at the back.
anyway im sure it was because this thread was the last thing i was reading before crashing out last night!.
Shampoo and conditioner from The Body Shop or Lush.
It figures really as I'm a vegetarian, a sometimes animal rights activist (viz. hunt saboteur) and I disagree with animal testing of cosmetics or the use of any animal products in cosmetics. smile
Quote by Trapper
Any shampoo thats smells of coconuts!
Don't spend too long washing your hair though...
Just wash...and go!!

I used "Wash & Go" once........ I washed..... it went. Hence the nickname sad
Well i use Richard Ward shampoo 2 in 1 plus the conditioner as well, not many shops sell it so u have to shop about a bit, its middle priced i recon, reason i use it is cause i have quite long hair and most conditioners don't really get it soft enough but i find this range really good biggrin