We were just wonderiimg whether a topic regarding weird, unusual , bad, or amazing (oh yeah and i suppose sexy ) gifts received at Christmas was woth a little shot. Do apologise if the topic has already been covered but we at the 'Lost House' aren't the most savvy of having found that there is one less sarnie in the box in our picnics.
Our little contribution goes like this.
We have youngish Children as do lots of people, and at Christmas so that they can enjoy the sensation of giving as well as recieving i/we equipped them with funds to buy us, their parents, a little gift. Nothing expensive or extravagant, just something from them too us. Of course keeping one parents gift a secret from the other (wink wink) So letting them loose with their older responsible sibling in our local town for half an hour whilst waiting for them in a cafe nearby. £15:00 the richer they all ventured forth.
To cut a long story short they somehow acheived to buy themselves 6 mths supply of pick'n'mix sweets whilst managing to lovingly gift wrap and present us with, on Christmas morning. A Once white plasticky (i mean sticky) Hanbag that the clasp had broken on and smelled very much of retirement home! and for myself i received a tie that picasso himself would of been amazed at as it possibly had a pattern made up of once would think possibly edible food!!!! well of course we thanked them with all the love we could muster without falling into hysterical laughter.
On later quizzing lazily, the older sibling on theses presents. Purchased for us withe together £30:00 the sibling informed us that the gifts came from a box outside the Salvation Arny Carity shop that had been placed outside for waste disposal collection of some discription. Apparentlt my children (bless them) had even asked the assistant in the shop if they could indeed have these treasures located outside the shopfront. Permission was given! surprise surprise.
Ok Ok so this is long winded but if you know knowfrom the chatrooms then you will probably just tut and shake your haed in slow sad movements from side to side muttering his "poor poor wife what did she do........."
Come on tell us what ya got i'm nosey