What is it that gets your attention, not what gets your pants off, but what is it that makes you think, 'eeerm'.
Does a well dressed person grab your eye and say look. Is it lots of leg, mussel or just something very different about someone.
For me it is confidence, not arrogance, just self confidence. Be she walking into a room in suit, or dazzling spangles, or emerging from the waves in her birthday suit. If she has confidence, she has my attention. If she backs it up with the right smile I may even talk to her.
That is in the real world. Here at SH, it is all in the words, but sometimes a picture of a smile. Sorry smiles every time over face less pussy.
Oooh. That twinkle of intelligence and humour. And fabulous thighs!
Depends ... on the forum it's personality and their sense of humour (because I find that a huge turn on). At a social it's pretty much the same but as you also said it's their confidence and presentation.
Intelligence and humour, then when you meet them, a bit of a twinkle in their eyes.
Oh, and nice thighs :twisted:
Well it sounds like I'm fucked then as IRL I have no confidence whatsoever.
Apart from the obvious things like legs'n'ass. I reckon it's the quality of the smile and an undefinable quality of the eyes. I think I also respond better to demureness rather than confidence too.
someone who makes me laugh is a big thing for me, that and that twinkle....and a sexy voice!!
well whisper it into my inbox then, i havent had any mail today!!!
A great smile, dark hair (preferably), beautiful eyes..... Things like confidence and style kick in as soon as I've picked my jaw off the floor!
I love confident people, I love smilers and also eye contact. If you can hold my eye contact your a winner!
I person who is attractive without knowing it is a big turn on for me as is someone who has wit and intelligence.
Ive JUST had a breakthrough!! :thrilled: :thrilled: :thrilled: I may not need that info sharing after all!! yay :bounce: :bounce: