Any one who is in the emergency services weather this be police fire ambulance or in fact anyon who has any first aid training is taught the same thing which is
which stands for
This is classed as primary or intial assement, Now if the PCSO who where first on scene made the assement it was to dangerous to jump in then they did nothing wrong as i always teach a dead hero is no goodand what is the point in give the ambulance service and us in the Hospital any more work then necessary police and ambulance are not train in swift water rescue
A Special Police Constable (volunteers) is different from Police Community Support Officers (Paid).
PCSO's are not employed to do police work, they are employed to take away the daily grind stuff to allow th police to do their jobs, catching villians etc. SPCO's do things like, house to house enquiries, helping at public events, crowd control and local community isses like graffiti, abondonded vehicles etc etc
They aren't allowed to deal with incidents, no matter how urgent they are. They dont have the training and its not part of their job role.
The PCSO's role orginially came from the old Street Warden Scheme. It was successful but governement funding stopped and the police felt it would be a huge loss as it was benificial to the local community and of course helped out the Police force considerably.
As others have said, I think the SPCO's acted in the best way without endangering others lives or there own.
Still a very sad case.....
for me it doesn`t matter what they are paid to do.
being a jobsworth doesn`t forgive the fact that they didn`t try. hope they can live with themselves and that they or their loved ones never need someone willing to have a go. just cowardice in my book
I think it is time to define some titles;
Police Officer: a person appointed local, with authority under the Queen to protect life and property, prevent breaches of the peace and detect crime.
Special Constable: an unpaid police officer with the same powers as a Regular Police Officer. (but there is a limit on the geographic areas that the powers exist in)
Community Police Officer: a police office dedicated to an area, is not part of a specialist team and is not meant to respond to emergency. This definition differs form force to force.
Community Support Officer: He/she has less powers and therefore less training than a police officer. They are also paid less.
Apologies for any paraphrasing.
burning houses are much more dangerous,but you often hear of brave neighbours going in to rescue poeple trapped. its not down to what your paid or knew where the boy was last seen. i would have had a go.
no question
I was not there, therefore I will not say what happened there. However if I were a police officer receiving a call to a lake it may go like this;
Two fishermen dive in and save one of two children, the second one disappears under the water. The water is dark and murky. They then call the police.
Five minuets later I arrive. The child can not be seen, nor the bottom of the lake. I report by radio "Arrived at scene". I am not the first person at the scene but the Police Log will note I am first on scene. (I am the first officer or unit to arrive"
My first job is to access the situation and call for any support that may be needed. I ask the fishermen what happened. They know there is a child under water, they do not know where! It has now been six minutes. There is no way of finding the child expect by luck. Without oxygen we die, even for a short time, our brain starts to die.
I call for divers and/or boat the conduct a body search of the lake.
A second officer turns up and after twenty minutes recovers the dead body.
I do not know what happened that day, and the above is only a imagined reaction to an imagined incident.
What would you have done?
Cowards, confused, indifferent, indesisive, professional, we do not know the facts, only what the media has gathered from others who may or may not have know what was happening and then interpreted it. Then put it into a story that will sell their paper.
So lets leave the question to an inquest.
Non of us were there and unless you have been in that situation you dont know how exactly your going to respond so for those of you who are critising these people I think you should take a step back, I think we would all like to think that in any situation we would do everything we can to help but "hinsight" is a wonderful thing
In my job I take emergency calls and have to assess the situation without actually seeing the person and only with the information I recieve from them, I then have to decide which course of action to take, I do everything in my power to make sure I make the right decision but it makes me think if I did make the wrong decision and someone died would I be pounced upon and judged by people who wernt there and who didnt have all the facts......I think not
The two community police officers were there and they did know what they chose to do.
Again this is something that training had prepared them for.
freckledbird said
IF you are properly trained? icon_
poeple who aren`t properly trained can save lives with resuscitation, poeple were doing it before anyone was trained,thats how it becomes an thing about emergencies is that there usually isn`t a trained proffesional there,which is why ordinary folk have to do the right thing