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what has happened

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please please can someone help, benn away for a couple of days so natrually as a regular of chat room i went in tonite only to find its completly changed there are no moderators no one i recognise to be honest its compltly sh*t i know this is the forum and we are not regular user but please please please can someone tell us whts going on and has the "old" chat room moved sad :( :( :( :(
We've been abducted and experimented on by aliens and it's still in progress now.... wink
Quote by Bloke2005
We've been abducted and experimented on by aliens and it's still in progress now.... wink

ahh I was going to come on and say ...
Someone dared the Sarge to press the big button with the X on .... and this is the ensuing fallout ..........
but you beat me
C x
still dosnt help how else im i going to spend my cold winter evening if i cant chat :cry: :cry: :cry:
not that it means much, but i`m all kunfood too. been workin alot through dec (silly season for all you party animals). mind you i do like the new look.
Quote by phillstarr
not that it means much, but i`m all kunfood too. been workin alot through dec (silly season for all you party animals). mind you i do like the new look.

Phil - could you say that in English please... I'm lost... wink :P Must be the aliens...
Edited - now I understand... thank you smile