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What have you broken and how?????

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6 watchers
Now I'm not one for the sympathy vote, but I'm feeling really low tonight. I broke my right thumb last night (and no I wasnt drunk!), I didn't know until I went to hospital today. Its all splinted up at the moment and I have to go back on Friday to see the consultant who will reset and plaster it! I wouldn't mind, but its my right thumb and I'm right handed, writing, typing and eating are all painful!
So come on whats the worst thing you have broken and how????
the Law lol :twisted:
I've been lucky so far.... but now I have said that watch me have an accident tomorrow rolleyes
my little finger
playing footy years ago
hurt like hell
big hugs ........sending lots of sympathy your way
I broke 2 fingers, sounds ok until you realise I used to make a living as a magician...
Awww....sorry hun, take something to kill the pain and see this as an opportunity to get out of some of those chores wink
I've broken so many things I can hardly remember them all. But most recently I broke my bed redface
It's true, women suck at DIY
Quote by Libra-Love
Awww....sorry hun, take something to kill the pain and see this as an opportunity to get out of some of those chores wink
I've broken so many things I can hardly remember them all. But most recently I broke my bed redface
It's true, women suck at DIY

I have drunk lots of cider to ease the pain, purely as pain relief you understand.
only my virginity :twisted:
Honestly, i did. I know some of you won't believe it :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Seriously, never broken a bone.
G x
Quote by MQ
the Law lol :twisted:
I've been lucky so far.... but now I have said that watch me have an accident tomorrow rolleyes

hehehe, can i watch??? :twisted: :twisted:
Quote by pinkbubble(mr&mrs)
So come on whats the worst thing you have broken and how????

Errr, I have a whisky glass that is my favourite for drinking spirits from. I broke the first one I was given as a Christmas present some time ago.... & it cost 40 quid to replace it :shock: . I know it doesn't compare to a finger but.....!!!
For some reason I just don't break bones! Some years ago I did karate for most of a year to get some exercise when studying. People in the karate class were throwing out joints, getting hair line fractures in their shins etc. One bloke got kicked in the nuts, lifting him off the floor to his wife's horror, when his more senior & skilled :shock: adversary thought he was wearing a box!!! I always wore a box... & so did the other blokes after that rotflmao :rotflmao: .
So what was the worst that happened to me? Apart from getting a rash from the suit I wore before it was washed redface , I was putting on the trousers one day & fell over, cutting my leg slightly rolleyes . Pathetic eh!!!!
Collarbone (hurt like feck)
Medial ligaments left knee
Nose (several times)
Haven't bust anything since I gave up playing rugby. As I got older it was taking me more than a week to heal between matches.
Get well soon Mr (or was it Mrs?) Pink
Quote by Lucifer
Get well soon Mr (or was it Mrs?) Pink

Its Mrs, thankyou hun
Quote by Libra-Love
It's true, women suck at DIY

Speak for yourself! :P It's washing machines I struggle with redface rolleyes
I've been fairly lucky with my bones and not broken many.
Had my nose broken when I was a child in a playground *accident*. Big girls hits little girl type thing :shock: rolleyes
Most recently was a couple of years ago. Broke the little toe on my left foot when I bashed it on a door frame walking to the bathroom at night without putting the light on confused
That hurt a fair bit and the hospital said it would set itself. It did, but now my toe is all skewiffy sad
Three months later when I did exactly the same again but on the right foot, I decided it was time to put the light on in future lol :roll:
Hope it gets better soon and without too much pain!
Quote by dundeecpl
the Law lol :twisted:
I've been lucky so far.... but now I have said that watch me have an accident tomorrow rolleyes

hehehe, can i watch??? :twisted: :twisted:
I didn't mean............ oh right yeah whatever :lol: :lol: :lol:
Hope to see you two at a party sometime soon biggrin :twisted:
Quote by Angel Chat
Speak for yourself! :P It's washing machines I struggle with redface rolleyes

You been down the hairdressers Angel Chat wink (see your thread)
So tell us, who's it you fancy at work that this item is THAT important?
Quote by pinkbubble(mr&mrs)
Now I'm not one for the sympathy vote, but I'm feeling really low tonight. I broke my right thumb last night

Ouch! sounds painful
:therethere: have a {{{{{{h-u-g}}}}}} anyway drinkies
Quote by Libra-Love

Speak for yourself! :P It's washing machines I struggle with redface rolleyes

You been down the hairdressers Angel Chat wink
So tell us, who's it you fancy at work that this item is THAT important?
Lol I may be bi, but I definitely do NOT fancy my female boss. And my hair is still red.... a bit like my face surprisedops: lol
aawwww :therethere: pinkbubble!
hurts like buggery eh?
broke my nose, twice, hence the avatar! lol or more accurately, someone else broke it! rolleyes has a lovely S bend these days. sad
and broke my big toe playing five a side, but gamely carried on, in a manly way, and broke it some more. how does a little thing like a toe have you shaking, shivering, and throwing up all night? dunno
have to say, a pot on a big toe is a bit rubbish! no room for all the sympathy signatures and stuff. crap it was!
n x x x ;)
I 've had my heart broken. dunno
Does that count?
Tore ankle ligaments once, but never broken anything....yet (touch wood) rolleyes
Quote by little gem
I 've had my heart broken. dunno
Does that count?

Awww of course it count hun comereanavahug kiss :therethere:
like the new avatar btw biggrin
Having a shower after a game of squash I knocked the metal soap dish off the wall with my elbow, it fell egde down onto my next-to-big toe resulting in a compound fracture, lotsa blood. The embarrassing thing was that I had to ask my opponent for help; 2 naked guys in the shower, me with shampoo in my eyes, blood on the floor, hobbling to the bench. My one and only "sports injury".
Toes. Repeatedly.
Thing is, I can't really feel my feet, so often it goes unnoticed until a day or so later when my dinosaur brain kicks in and says "ow", or till someone else looks down at my feet and says "Are you OK?" when there is blood and a malformed foot.
There are pro's and con's to everything, eh?
I broke my right arm when i was 5,fell off a wall and landed on some glass.I had to have it pinned but i loved it while i was in hospital,all the toys,like a boys dream come though when it came to having the cast taken off i screamed so loud thinking that they were gonna saw my arm off that you could hear me the other side of the hospital redface
I've so far avoided serious injury.
I once chipped a bone in my foot when a car ran into me on my push bike. I found a chipped bone to be surprisingly painful. (that was my second time being hit by a car, the first time I just had very big and juicy cuts and bruises)
Ankle after a jump surprisedops: Saying no more. :cry:
This thread reminds me of that scene in "Jaws"when the three guys are drinking at night and showing their injuries.
So to complete the synergy:
(Lazee points to chest) "see that? xxx xxx broke my heart!"
mended now! lol
Back in 199.... summat.... '92, I think, I lived in Manchester and being a girly type, I followed Man Utd to impress the boys.
One evening, settling down for an important match on TV, I rembered I'd left my cigs in my bedroom. I ran like hell out the room so as not to miss the kick-off and stubbed my littlest toe on the door-frame.
I was severely reprimanded by the boys for my use of strong language as I hobbled to my room. I knew it was more than the usual stubbed toe and took off my sock to reveal my poor toe at a right angle to my foot!
One of the boys was a med student and insisted it was dislocated and that he could put it back in place for me. Being a total wuss, I politely declined and jumped - well, limped - into a taxi to the hospital. 3 hours of waiting, 2 student doctors and an X-ray revealed my littlest toe was broken. :cry:
I was gutted that all they did was tape it to the next toe but I whinged enough that they gave me some crutches and a blue shower cap for my foot.
The best bit was, the match was showing on the A&E telly so I didn't miss a thing - and I skived off uni for a week! lol
I think I may well have broken msn/ 'cos I haven't been able to use either since before the weekend confused Techies - feel free to PM me!
shattered my right wrist the year before last, kite flying of all things...and before anyone asks, it was a very large traction kite (13sq mtrs). it pulled me 25 ft off the ground, and carried me 75 ft down the beach, before planting me head first into the shingle. i still watch the video of it when i need a laugh.
oh and i have a replacement knee, after a very important a that really hurt rolleyes
*gets a nurses uniform and puts it on* "Next" HeHeHe
I'm kinda lucky in that i haven't broken anything, on the other hand i only dislocate. My shoulders are dislocated 98% of the time. My hips pop out when im in the bath "Firemen come save me!" and i kinda get stuck and have to wait for the *clunk* till i can move again...nightmare!!!! My right wrist is a bit dodgy too. Ok now do Tesco's sell all these body parts and if so...are they buy one get one free LMAO lol