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What is a slut?

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Hey! Continuing the "swinging definitions" series... can you give me your own personal understanding of this highly controversial word. Like some other well-known words and phrases, this seems to have positive and negative connotations depending on whose lips it is coming out of. My knee-jerk reaction is to see it as a term of abuse, but of course often on here it is a term of endearment, and sometimes an attribute to be praised, respected even.
So... what does slut mean, to you? Is it a good thing or a bad thing to be a slut? Do you identify as one?
I take it to be a lady, sometimes a guy who will fuck anyone. I don’t use it myself, but normally think of it as a backhanded term of affection (on SH).
To me it's always been people who use sex to get what they want, rather than sex being the goal. They use it to manipulate, control or bribe people. So far I've not seen anyone on SH I'd call a slut.
The word slut is used to mean a person, usually a woman, who is sexually promiscuous.
n.b. a prostitute is often referred to as a slut, and indeed a prostitute may be a slut...however a slut is not necessarily a prostitute.
The use of the word "slut" in our language is sometimes endearing, sometimes otherwise, and, like many such words, it's meaning will be dependent upon the user and the context in which it is used.
I consider myself a slut.
Now, the etymology of the word is fascinating:
, "a dirty, slovenly, or untidy woman," probably cognate with dialectal Ger. Schlutt "slovenly woman," dialectal Swed. slata "idle woman, slut," and Du. slodder "slut," but the ultimate origin is doubtful.
Chaucer uses sluttish (late 14c.) in reference to the appearance of an untidy man.
Also "a kitchen maid, a drudge" (mid-15c.; hard pieces in a bread loaf from imperfect kneading were called slut's pennies, 18c.).
Meaning "woman of loose character, bold hussy" is attested from mid-15c.; playful use of the word, without implication of loose morals, is attested from 1660s.
Our little girl Susan is a most admirable slut, and pleases us mightily.
Sometimes used 19c. as a euphemism for bitch to describe a female dog. There is a group of North Sea Germanic words in sl- that mean "sloppy," and also "slovenly woman," and that tend to evolve toward "woman of loose morals" (cf. slattern, also English dial. slummock "a dirty, untidy, or slovenly person," 1861; slore "a sluttish woman").

From the Online Etymology Dictionary
i prefer to think of it as a woman you meet and know only she will do certain things with you that you wouldnt expect from anyone else.
exciting and never boring.
As usual its one of those words that changes depending on the situation and the people involved.
My Master calls me a slut and the ole knees go weak.
A muppet stranger in the chat whispers and calls me a slut it tends to anger me.
Have to admit though that I find it hard when someone with "slut" in their profile name comes into chat to call them that, I usually find another part of their name to call them by.
Quote by
I take it to be a lady, sometimes a guy who will fuck anyone.

Reminds me of a joke from a hip hop comedy film called Fear of a Black Hat (bloody funny, if you have any knowledge of the hip hop world btw - very Spinal Tap)
Whats the difference between a bitch and a ho?
A ho fucks everyone and a bitch fucks everyone but you
(Yeah, i know- get my coat lol )
I always thought that SLUT were a German band? dunno
hmmmmmm slut !!
its a whole persona and is amazing when completed with the a slutty outfit and a suck ya cock red red lipstick
dirty blond hair and a ladder in the stockings
i must admit to the fact that when Liza decides we are going to have a slutty evening its normally a very long night with her doing anything and everything to keep me going and horny
slutting is indeed an art form :twisted: :twisted:
Quote by Lizaleanrob
hmmmmmm slut !!
its a whole persona and is amazing when completed with the a slutty outfit and a suck ya cock red red lipstick
dirty blond hair and a ladder in the stockings
i must admit to the fact that when Liza decides we are going to have a slutty evening its normally a very long night with her doing anything and everything to keep me going and horny
slutting is indeed an art form :twisted: :twisted:

ah rob, the thought of liza :sleeping::sleeping::sleeping::sleeping: drifts off,,,into my own little world of filth. lol
Someone that is filthy/dirty. I actually do like using the word in role play situations.
Personally I don't like the word as it is often used in a derogatory way in the outside world. At the end of the day words are just that ...words. It's how we interpretate them that counts and with a word like 'slut' it's one that I won't be using as it can be interpretated in a negative and insulting way.
There are many definitions and interpretations, many of which have already been mentioned. If you are a slut then I think you would know.
I personally use the term often, I like sluts. As people they do not pretend to be something that they are not, you can take them or leave them.
I find that quality rare in a person, but sluts have it in abundance.
Not a word I think I'd use for a lady really, just seems 'off' really unless as a piece of clearly mutual fun in play?
I do think it depends the meaning depends on the person using that word.
I don't like to think of myself as a slut in a negative fashion: ie someone who is dirty/slovenly (which I certainly am not) and I don't sleep with everyone and anyone, I like to be picky to an extent and I won't do whatever requested of me regardless of if it's what I want or not: I would only do what myself and other parties involved are going to mutually enjoy.
So in terms of someone saying a slut and meaning actually a "whore" or a negative use of the word slut, I don't like it.
But as has also been said on here some people use it as a back handed compliment and a term of endearment for a sexy person who sleeps with multiple people: often called "being promiscuous" I think being called promiscuous is actually far more insulting, no one really wants to hear that; so as a back handed compliment and alternative I would prefer the word slut.
'Slut' is not a word I'd use. :undecided:
But 'slutty'? Oh yeah! :rascal:
Quote by notquiteacougar
I do think it depends the meaning depends on the person using that word.
I don't like to think of myself as a slut in a negative fashion: ie someone who is dirty/slovenly (which I certainly am not) and I don't sleep with everyone and anyone, I like to be picky to an extent and I won't do whatever requested of me regardless of if it's what I want or not: I would only do what myself and other parties involved are going to mutually enjoy.
So in terms of someone saying a slut and meaning actually a "whore" or a negative use of the word slut, I don't like it.
But as has also been said on here some people use it as a back handed compliment and a term of endearment for a sexy person who sleeps with multiple people: often called "being promiscuous" I think being called promiscuous is actually far more insulting, no one really wants to hear that; so as a back handed compliment and alternative I would prefer the word slut.

To me, 'being promiscuous' means having casual sex with different partners. I therefore don't take that as an insult at all .... because I am. In my opinion, it is only an insult if it isn't true. I suppose you could take it as an insult if it is true but is something that you were ashamed of.
I agree that 'slut' has a different meaning depending on who it is who is calling you a slut:
When my husband calls it me, I like it.
If a close friend called it me, I would laugh.
If a random stranger I was playing with called it me, I may fuck harder, laugh, or slap him. This would depend on the situation.
If my son called it me, I would be mortified!!
Quote by pebble
Hey! Continuing the "swinging definitions" series... can you give me your own personal understanding of this highly controversial word. Like some other well-known words and phrases, this seems to have positive and negative connotations depending on whose lips it is coming out of. My knee-jerk reaction is to see it as a term of abuse, but of course often on here it is a term of endearment, and sometimes an attribute to be praised, respected even.
So... what does slut mean, to you? Is it a good thing or a bad thing to be a slut? Do you identify as one?

This may help, one pictured below wink
Quote by Bluefish2009
This may help, one pictured below wink

Shouldn't she need to have a cock in her mouth to qualify? bolt
Quote by Funlovers2009
To me, 'being promiscuous' means having casual sex with different partners. I therefore don't take that as an insult at all .... because I am. In my opinion, it is only an insult if it isn't true. I suppose you could take it as an insult if it is true but is something that you were ashamed of.
I agree that 'slut' has a different meaning depending on who it is who is calling you a slut:
When my husband calls it me, I like it.
If a close friend called it me, I would laugh.
If a random stranger I was playing with called it me, I may fuck harder, laugh, or slap him. This would depend on the situation.
If my son called it me, I would be mortified!!

You have a point but even though I am promiscuous I think if you feel ashamed it shows you have some kind of morals to an extent about what you're doing.
Quote by hotgirl26
Someone who loves sex and has no hesitation shagging someone she fancies.

Very straight-forward smile
Quote by tyracer
i prefer to think of it as a woman you meet and know only she will do certain things with you that you wouldnt expect from anyone else.
exciting and never boring.

Quote by HimandHer
I personally use the term often, I like sluts. As people they do not pretend to be something that they are not, you can take them or leave them.
I find that quality rare in a person, but sluts have it in abundance.

Yes... this is the kind of definition/attitude I have been introduced to on here - admittedly only from the more liberated of members. Still opening my mind to it... So you have openness and availability, a "take me or leave me" attitude/lack of power games or acting to please - but there is also an element of power: a slut is very much in control, in that she/he has no illusions about themselves or others, knows their desire and can pick and choose who they want to satisfy it with. Contrast this with the "traditional" take on the word, where it denotes someone who... is made low-status and possibly looked down on because of their inability to restrain themselves or their desires dunno
Quote by Funlovers2009
If a random stranger I was playing with called it me, I may fuck harder, laugh, or slap him.

:lol2: Illustrates the ambivalence of the word well. (To a certain guy I have done all three innocent though thankfully not at the same time).
Slut, to many it has different meanings but since you asked what it means in Swinging terminology there is only one real answer.
A slut is a term used mostly in the BDSM aspect of swinging and is a term of endearment, praise and praise, it should not be used in the swinging scene to mean anything else.
Unfortunately some people don't realise how insulting words can be, I read a profile today that said "fem is curvy" the descriptive box was ticked as ample, but the profile then went on to say "not looking for skinny people"
To me that is offensive, I am slim, I am not skinny, I don't say "Not looking for fat people, I don't even say "not looking for people who are obese" my profile says "Looking for people who are slim like ourselves"
If people don't want to be called fatties and the like they should show equal respect.
Use the term "slut" within it's swinging definition or don't use it at all.
How many men would like to be labelled similarly because they seek multiple partners, should we call some men "gaggers" (as in gagging for anyone) or Onmagas (One man gangbangers) or just simply male sluts, I think not.
I have a male friend I call a slut, he is gay and loves the term because he knows I say in with respect and endearment in the true lifestyle way.
I (Jamal) do sometimes like talking dirty to Cara and will tell her she will be a cum slut, or behave slutty but only in the sexual context.
When i use it that way its usually when its a chat about gang bangs, or more than one guy etc.
But i could never use the term in normal language, for me its the same as saying 'cunt' which i find difficult to use.
Also i have come to think that men are actually more "slutty" than women as they will sleep with anyone usually, and i presume are more likely to prefer no condoms.
Quote by fishnchips
I (Jamal) do sometimes like talking dirty to Cara and will tell her she will be a cum slut, or behave slutty but only in the sexual context.
When i use it that way its usually when its a chat about gang bangs, or more than one guy etc.
But i could never use the term in normal language, for me its the same as saying 'cunt' which i find difficult to use.
Also i have come to think that men are actually more "slutty" than women as they will sleep with anyone usually, and i presume are more likely to prefer no condoms.

Gobsmacked at that, personally I am the more choosy in this partnership, why shouldn't I be, I have Sasha, I am certainly not going to play with people I don't find sexually attractive when I can have sex with her instead.
Another site we use requires people to stipulate thier age criteria for those they are seeking to meet, some people on here put thier age criteria in thier profile or advert, if I am above that age criteria it is ME that refuses to meet them, I am not desperate, I will not be the "last boy picked for the soccer team cos someone has to" or in other words settled for because some couple find Sasha attractive.
It takes us 4-5 months to find a couple we find sexually attractive and want to meet and it is usually worth the wait, many women on here are into gangbangs, how can you say that women are less likely to seek more partners than men ?
As for the condom thing, that is a joke, I have watched women take multiple men in gangbang scenarios when I worked in clubs and it is often the men that chose to wear them, some didnt but more did than didnt and more women didn't care, didnt check to see who was and who wasnt.
It is each to thier own but I think you will find that it averages out even in the multiple partner and with or without condom stakes.
Quote by pebble
So... what does slut mean, to you? Is it a good thing or a bad thing to be a slut? Do you identify as one?
I don't really see the word as controversial - I think it's a fun way to describe an open attitude towards sex ... I think "slag" is far more derogatory.
Personally I use it to define a woman with wanton and blatant sexual desire.
I like a girl with a history of "sluttish" behaviour - there's something about it that seriously turns me on.
Quote by fishnchips
Also i have come to think that men are actually more "slutty" than women as they will sleep with anyone usually, and i presume are more likely to prefer no condoms.
That's a load of crap as far as I'm concerned ... condoms are a definite must and although I'm no angel, I certainly wouldn't shag just anyone.
Slut is a woman who knows how to fully enjoy her self and satisfy the guy she is with lol
Quote by genuinejohn
Slut is a woman who knows how to fully enjoy her self and satisfy the guy she is with lol
or guys wink
Quote by Waterpistol
Slut is a woman who knows how to fully enjoy her self and satisfy the guy she is with lol
or guys wink
As a Bi male I'd have to agree with Waterpistol.
There are a lot of ' straight guys ' or so they profess that would jump at the chance of meeting Bi/Gay Males and sadly don't consider protection!
As others have said, it depends on who is saying it and who they are say it too.
I may say it during sex, or on cam with someone, but generally it wouldn't be meant as an insult...more to try and turn them on more and that they are my kind woman / man wink
I think that a slut is someone that enjoys sex and has a number of different partners (maybe different ones fulfilling different needs / desires / fetishes) and may have a partner that doesn't know the half of it.
Sluts aren't riddled with STDs and don't take risks with their sexual health and that of those they play with.
On the whole I like sluts, just as long as they are safe ones.
Maybe an unsafe slut is a slag ?