Can anyone tell me what DFK is/means? Never heard of it so I thought I'd ask you wise and wonderful people as you've helped me out before.. :idea: Not sure but I think it may mean 'does french kissing'? That's just a guess though as I can't think of anything else. No doubt some wag, or more(?) will no doubt think of a few!
Quote by Kiss It stands for 'Definitely Fuck Kiss' :P
Oh ok, if you insist :twisted:
Unknown User
Acronym Definition DFK Daifuku DFK Deep French Kiss DFK Direct Free Kick (Soccer) DFK Dance Floor Killa Not sure what the first definition actually means but I guess Sassy will know
Well..........! It seems that it's turning into a game now? You can add letters if you want but I don't what you can make of it though as you aint got any vowels! Now..... who's got the letters z and q then? Nice to see that humour is still alive and well on here....
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