Look i know i am a man, so by its mere definition i must be a pervert, but what is it about women in high heels.
Now, don't get me wrong the flat shoes or flip flop has its place (to be honest if i was prime minister i would ban them completely along with baggy jeans and comfortable pants) but as soon as a woman puts on heels they look completely different.
I have come to the conclusion its to do with two things, firstly shape. I think a womans legs look longer, slimmer in heels, i think they walk taller, prouder and with more confidence.
Oh did i mention how horny women look in heels........sorry pervert coming out again.
The second is that by wearing heels women dress sexier, i mean have you ever seen a woman wearing heels and jogging bottoms............oh wait i have....but thats another story.
To be honest the first thing i look at when i am out with my mates on 'the pull' (yeah right like that happens every weekend) is a womans shoes, cause if they 'a'int high and horny' they are not coming home with me..............(they i go again drifting in and out of my own private dream world).
So liking woman in high heels is that weird or normal.......
(Oh by the way i dont like wearing them.....did that once painfull as hell)
Well Trigg, none of us men are going to disagree with any thing you have said there, my last fond memory is of a lady on saturday night straped into my St Andrews cross, in a beautiful pair of heels and not much else, she looked exquisite, a sight to behold, I don't need to know what it is that attracts us to them, or why they look so good, just that they are always going to be there. :twisted:
Well Trigg, none of us men are going to disagree with any thing you have said there, my last fond memory is of a lady on saturday night straped into my St Andrews cross, in a beautiful pair of heels and not much else, she looked exquisite, a sight to behold, I don't need to know what it is that attracts us to them, or why they look so good, just that they are always going to be there. :twisted:
I was under the impression that heels were attractive as there is a connection between the shape of a woman's legs in heels and when she orgasms.
I know that my feet hurt in some heels and I certainly aint going to cum in them.
I just like a woman to look comfortable in her clothing ... and do prefer clothing that gives me a hint that she has breasts.... :twisted:
No. I'm sulking. :dry:
And I haven't even answered the op, and it's all your fault.
Op, I'm hugely practical and spend a lot of my time either barefoot or in muddy hiking boots etc. Slipping on some heels elongates my legs, makes me an inch or four taller, and instantly more feminine & fuckable. I don't have a problem walking in heels, and unless I'm in them for a very, very long time they don't hurt my feet thankfully.
As for the time at a club when I was getting "involved" with a few people at once while the other half sat back on a bean bag & watched...and apparently I had (accidentally) pinned his balls with one of my very pointy heels...he reckons it was pretty erotic...
Women in high heels ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
There was a long period of time where high heels became unfashionable, and I for one was gutted by that.
But over the last three or four years they have made a huge return...I for one am jumping up and down with joy.
Shoes like this....
Now am sure that some may well have a little fetish for something like that but...do not think it does great things to a womans legs.
Legs and sexy heels....what a great combination.
I love my heels - each and every pair of them is special to me. Some are, for practicality's sake, for indoor use only, whilst others are old friends that I've worn so often I can convince myself they're actually comfortable.
I like the look of them when they're sitting on the shelf, and I like the way they make me feel when I wear them - your legs look longer, your ankles more shapely and your boobs and bum stick out more as your body adjusts to balance whilst walking in them.
In fact, for me, the only down side to my heels is just how god damned tall they make me - in my highest pairs I'm 6'3 wearing them. I worry to myself this may make me a little intimidating, however interestingly in my experience it's been women who've had more of a problem with me being so tall - many Fellas, even if I'm towering over them, seem to find it quite a turn on. Just wish I could get over my hang up now of disliking having to bend down to get a kiss!
Oh - and have caught out many a gentleman who claims to be over 6 foot on his profile - and surprise surprise, is shorter than me!
Rough quote from Kinky Boots: "High heels require the muscles of the upper leg to balance properly. Tensing the buttocks and making the woman look ready for mating".
Or some such.
It also means you have to swing your hips to walk smoothly, enhancing the effect.
One of the worst sights to see is any woman, drunk, and staggering around with her knees together and her bum stuck out, desperately trying to balance on heels that were fine before the 3rd Babycham.
I do have to ask - why aren't women's shoes foot shaped? The toe bit at least. No-one's feet are that pointed - before they wear the shoes anyway.
I love heels - but they don't always love me!
For classy heels, it has got to be Rupert Sanderson; he makes beautiful shoes, and surprisingly comfortable too.