i know it does work sometimes judy
but doesn't i get boring reading the same post everyday
i dunno i find thoses threads kinda amuseing
I would agree with Judy on this.
Yes ok its annoying, but more importantly to whom? In all honesty sometimes you could think that the people who post them are more devious than you think. Look at who gets responses from those type of posts? Only the ones where debate rages about the merit of such a post. All of a sudden there is interest, and lo and behold the guy gets what he wants.
In my opinion, I reckon that if someone wants to post a lurid abrupt 2 line message, then so be it. Who really cares. The only thing that I would ask for is that the title is accurate, then I could ignore as appropriate.
give us first timers new guys a chance.
on that note vix, your new one is luverly...
Africa boy are you married or single? Your signature doesn't mention your wife (reads like single male) but on another post you mention a wife?
The catergory is called "Let's Meet Up" if someone posts a simple one line request of who wants a shag ect ect there are only two things which all you need to .
Number 1 reply if interested.
number 2 ignore it and dont type pointless thread changing comments .
I agree roger but its easier to ignore them rather than mock or tell them to post more , get more known in the cafe .
The majority of people with the one liners are after sex not freindly exchanges of banter which is good for some people but deep down they want to have fun and not to be constantly told the usual "no chance mate" type replies as i mentioned earlier just ignore these type of replies and they will soon slide of the page instead of being bumped back up by the heckling brigade .
Probably because I run my own discussion forums, and moderate on others, I was particularly conscious of reading all the rules and a lot of threads before I posted an Intro here.
i don't think it was lame, and I made no mention of disproprtionate or prehensile genitalia as others have done.
No action yet having said that, but I'd rather hang around and work out who I get on with, than drop my flies for the first old trout that's on heat. ;)