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What is it with the newspaper tabloids!

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I've just read the warning about reporters using swingers heaven to get a story,we are all adults only interested in doing what we have done since the dawn of are they only interested in making it out to be dirty and sordid whether it's dogging ,swapping or are more pressing issues but it seems that this obsession they have with over peoples sex lives always seems to find its way into the partner and i love sex we enjoy going to clubs and spas we are not hurting anyone,but now we are worried that anyone on here could out to humiliate just to print a story.
Do we seem to be overreacting your thoughts on the subject please.
D and M
We've had all manner of journalists on here fishing for stories, but at the end of the day they're only here cos they know that stories about dogging, swinging clubs and other naughty things sell papers. Some people chose to talk to the press about their lives, but most don't and many would be horrified if they found themselves in the papers! Indeed, some would lose their families and maybe their jobs would be compromised too. That is why the mods try to make people aware that the press do sometimes come on here. We are not trying to scare anyone and we certainly don't want to put anyone off going to clubs or whatever! At the end of the day, even if the News of the World does print yet another shock horror story about a swingers club, it is soon yesterdays news.... don't yet them stop you having fun! cool
Thanks for your reasurance, it's that a certain newspaper today had printed across the front page the pics of a couple who had been dogging, don't the press think that this could ruin lives and relationships they just don't care.
D and M
Quote by da69ve
Thanks for your reasurance, it's that a certain newspaper today had printed across the front page the pics of a couple who had been dogging, don't the press think that this could ruin lives and relationships they just don't care.
D and M

hello.... just look in the papers everyday of the year these goons don't give a f**k they are scum all yes they are just doing thier jobs but as was pionted out earlier rhere are more pressing things going on in the world.
the problem is we have all become media whores in our own little ways we want to know what the stars are up to what they're wearing because we're nosey and people out there want to know avbout swinging and dogging. unfortunatley for us the media potraiy (soz spellin) what we do as seedy and it's not.
sorry for my rant but all journalists should be whipped with a wet sunday paper. now that would make good reading..........
I am aware that the posts are the copyright of the respective poster and the rest of the site is copyright its owner. So in order for a journalist to get something they can publish they would have to engage you in a private conversation by e-mail. As they would just be reproducing material for which they have not obtained copyright.
I think very few people would bother chasing them for this but its still an interesting argument.
Although as you run a service you can ban whoever you like once you realise who they are... legaly you could do a microsoft and write it into a legal AUP that any journo registering on the site is breaking the AUP and could be sued... would again be a bit weak in court.
I suppose its a fine line... after all any website likes free publicity as long as its the right kind... so trying to inforce injunctions against newspapers from going on this site may not be the best idea in the world... but big business use that type of thing.?? begs the question tho`, how many of our fellow readers on this forum STILL buy the very same papers...... :cry: :cry:
Everyone blames the press and then rushes out to buy the papers.
The tabloids are interested in two things: profit and power. They have no interest in the truth, or whether or not they are ruining people's lives. If they think dogging or swinging will sell papers, they'll print stories about it.
I think the best response is to not buy the papers. And if they ever print a story about YOU, then don't play into their hands. They rely on shame and scandal to sell their papers. If they write a story about you, just say that you're not ashamed, not scandalised and that you can't believe anyone would be shocked by grown adults having consensual sex.
That's it really. You can't defeat the press. The best you can do is ignore it.
Quote by GregLondon
Everyone blames the press and then rushes out to buy the papers.
The tabloids are interested in two things: profit and power. They have no interest in the truth, or whether or not they are ruining people's lives. If they think dogging or swinging will sell papers, they'll print stories about it.
I think the best response is to not buy the papers. And if they ever print a story about YOU, then don't play into their hands. They rely on shame and scandal to sell their papers. If they write a story about you, just say that you're not ashamed, not scandalised and that you can't believe anyone would be shocked by grown adults having consensual sex.
That's it really. You can't defeat the press. The best you can do is ignore it.

Good Point, we will always buy newspapers no matter how much we slag them off!
Woudn't it be great if everyone stopped buying newspapers for a week!
simple response - don't fall into the populus of 'stupid' britain who buy tabloids and/or the daily mail... you buy, they supply.
have to say... i am niether stupid or ignorant.. but do i read the tabloids.. hell yeah!
its human nature to listen to gossip and reading it is no different.
to me, reading about someone else doing something you would not want to be found out about yourself is the same as laughing at someone in the street walking into a lampost... we are ALL guilty of that.
thats not to say that i agree with peoples privacy being invaded- far from it and i am disgusted when people go out of their way to ruin peoples lives, but when the deed has been done already.. i am not going to deny myself a snigger.
I have to be honest and say i think tabloids are the absolute scurge of modern society... they have no idea of responsible journalism and write headlines to sell papers... the misguided views that many people hold because of what they've read in 'the sun' beggars belief. I hate them and, along with other sectors of the media, i blame them for many of the problems in our society... i would say it is safe to say that views on asylum seekers wouldn't be so extreme and wide spread if it wasn't for the 'reporting' in many of the fleet street rags... there is no mention of course that increased life expectancy and reduced birth rates are leading this country towards a social service meltdown - it be wouldn't paper selling news to explain to people that actually if we don't get more immigrant workers in this country inflation will go through the roof and public services such as the NHS, state pensions, housing benefits, single parent benefits will all but disappear. rolleyes
i dont believe in the things i read in horror stories.. but i still read them for entertainment.
i think you have to give people some credit for having the ability to make up their own mins about whats fact and whats fiction!
Quote by Robbie
simple response - don't fall into the populus of 'stupid' britain who buy tabloids and/or the daily mail... you buy, they supply.

Rest assured I don't! I get my news via radio & television, rarely buy broadsheet newspapers & have never (at least for the past 20 years) bought a tabloid for myself. However I know so many people who are disgusted about the journalistic standards of the tabloids, or lack of them, yet they still buy the damn things.
Most people will deny that they buy the Sun, for instance, yet it is (or used to be) the most popular newspaper in the UK. mad :x :x :x :x :x
I agree with Robbie biggrin
Although i reckon the Daily Mail is the worst.
Quote by liss11210
Although i reckon the Daily Mail is the worst.

A girl after my own heart... it annoys me how it sneaks under the radar with its snooty middle class, volvo driving, Tarquin and Constance breeding condescending views.
Quote by Robbie
it be wouldn't paper selling news to explain to people that actually if we don't get more immigrant workers in this country inflation will go through the roof and public services such as the NHS, state pensions, housing benefits, single parent benefits will all but disappear. rolleyes

Well said Robbie. And after all, this country has had wave upon wave of immigrants coming in over the centuries. Areas such as Brick Lane in London have experienced various changes over the last 100 years, with Jews in (I think) the 30s being replaced by other ethnic groups, & of course more recently the area is popular with Asians.
The Daily Express is one of the worst, especially since Richard Desmond took over a few years ago. That rag frequently has "asylum seeker" headlines, when other papers are leading with other much more newsworthy stories. There was even a discussion about it on Newsnight some months ago, because it was considered to be acting so differently from other tabloids.