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What is it with this country?

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Oooh Postie and I thought Fabio was going to do it rolleyes
Quote by LeedsLad1981
Yea and where did i make a racist comment ???? I could have said what you want to hear. Maybe then you can laugh and say Told ya !!! Sorry im not that low.
So we have wasted what 2-3 hrs reading and posting becasue i asked an opinion on this country. Then some smart arse comes in and cries HE IS RACIST. The verry thing i was on about in the first place.
So this country is the verry thing i was pointing out what was wrong with this country. This is why there will be racism in this country. This is why there will be riots. Because no one can have there opinion. This is one of my many reasons for wanting to leave maybe for a few years maybe for a few months who knows.
Phew thought it was me who was fooked up but now im pretty sure its this shithole.
I just don't get why everyone want's to rip each others heads off or be better than everyone else.

Leedslad, I will waste my breath on you one last time, because -I believe you are a sexist and a racist and I will in the democracy we are lucky enough to live in be able to tell you what I (and many others think)
You claim to be no racist-yet though it has been pointed out to you-you have chosen to ignore it-you come across as a racist towards people in your own country. Without you actually making a full blown racist comment-you have frozen out half of the people who might even believe in your sad quest to make England 'English'
Best of luck-I am sure you will need it
Minx x x
Quote by Him'nHer
Oooh Postie and I thought Fabio was going to do it rolleyes

Sorry! I was trying to help Fabio out. And this psuedo BNP rubbish being spouted by LL is getting ridiculous to the point where someone is going to be very offended.
Out of interest LL, are you a member of the BNP? Your views and the way you put things sound eerily familiar.
Quote by postie
Oooh Postie and I thought Fabio was going to do it rolleyes

Sorry! I was trying to help Fabio out. And this psuedo BNP rubbish being spouted by LL is getting ridiculous to the point where someone is going to be very offended.
Out of interest LL, are you a member of the BNP? Your views and the way you put things sound eerily familiar.
I knew I was missing something being a non-english woman... :roll:
Minx xx x
To be honest I may well upset a few people now but I dont really give a shit....
He has his opinions and while he may not have put them over as eloquently as others could have I can see his point...
He isn't racist at all but just pointing out that the immigrations laws require some careful re-thinking....
I agreed with some of what he was saying but the way he came across was not how I think he wanted it to....
To be honest I knew it would come down to the racist comments as people are far too bluddy quick to jump it these days.... FFS what has happened to this world when everything you say if automatically jumped on as being non PC... rolleyes
Quote by BiWelshMinx
Oooh Postie and I thought Fabio was going to do it rolleyes

Sorry! I was trying to help Fabio out. And this psuedo BNP rubbish being spouted by LL is getting ridiculous to the point where someone is going to be very offended.
Out of interest LL, are you a member of the BNP? Your views and the way you put things sound eerily familiar.
I knew I was missing something being a non-english woman... :roll:
Minx xx x
Eh? Erm.... sorry Binxy. kiss Kind of forgot about you already being offended. But you Welsh are always so easy to ignore for us English :lol2:
Yea maybe i will, May this be a lesson to anyone who thinks of leaving this shithole. It's full of mixing fuckers who want to put you down the best they can to make them look better.
Do you think i signed up to this forum to ask that question, No i signed up to this forum for the same reason as everyone else. Then i thought mmm maybe i will post about what im thinking and get some good advice on if its a good / bad idea to leave this country and what do the older generations think about whats clearly going on.
Anyway nice to speak to some of ya
L8rz ppl
Ohh and where will you be in 10 years time, wink
one last thing
Shireen_Mids thanks but please don't fall out with anyone over this. We know whats wrong and we can clearly see it. Some people just love to jump on the bandwagon. To pull someone down even more to make themselfs look better as i stated before. There will come a day when saying the word Black will earn you a kick in the teeth but thats what we have grown to be thats the world we live in. I can't change it neither can you :cry: But maybe if enough people can see sense it will make people realize that what there saying can make a big differance in life. We make the future not the government. They just get rich controlling us.
Adios Amigos
Quote by Shireen_Mids
To be honest I may well upset a few people now but I dont really give a shit....
He has his opinions and while he may not have put them over as eloquently as others could have I can see his point...
He isn't racist at all but just pointing out that the immigrations laws require some careful re-thinking....
I agreed with some of what he was saying but the way he came across was not how I think he wanted it to....
To be honest I knew it would come down to the racist comments as people are far too bluddy quick to jump it these days.... FFS what has happened to this world when everything you say if automatically jumped on as being non PC... rolleyes

When he starts putting problems down to less than 10% of the UK's entire population, then yeah, he's making it racist... if he'd argued and kept the race thing out of it, i would have siad fair enough to your point.
Quote by LeedsLad1981
Yea maybe i will, May this be a lesson to anyone who thinks of leaving this shithole. It's full of mixing fuckers who want to put you down the best they can to make them look better.
Do you think i signed up to this forum to ask that question, No i signed up to this forum for the same reason as everyone else. Then i thought mmm maybe i will post about what im thinking and get some good advice on if its a good / bad idea to leave this country and what do the older generations think about whats clearly going on.
Anyway nice to speak to some of ya
L8rz ppl
Ohh and where will you be in 10 years time, wink

Still on this thread by the looks of it rolleyes
Quote by LeedsLad1981
Yea maybe i will, May this be a lesson to anyone who thinks of leaving this shithole. It's full of mixing fuckers who want to put you down the best they can to make them look better.

Steady on with the insults .... newbie. biggrin
Quote by postie
When he starts putting problems down to less than 10% of the UK's entire population, then yeah, he's making it racist... if he'd argued and kept the race thing out of it, i would have siad fair enough to your point.

dunno All I know is that I could see from the time this thread hit page 2 that this is how it would end..... So go figure....
Quote by postie
Steady on with the insults .... newbie. mad

Just because you are not a newbie postie does not give you the right to make a statement like that.... Especially with the emoticon at the end....
FGS.... Is it any wonder that people start throwing insults rolleyes
Quote by Shireen_Mids
dunno All I know is that I could see from the time this thread hit page 2 that this is how it would end..... So go figure....

Errrmmm sadly Shireen you're right confused
Postie he tried but so many lept on him accusing him of racism that he felt he had to respond.
Perhaps the real racists are the ones that try to smoother debate on a subject they dont like
Quote by Shireen_Mids
When he starts putting problems down to less than 10% of the UK's entire population, then yeah, he's making it racist... if he'd argued and kept the race thing out of it, i would have siad fair enough to your point.

dunno All I know is that I could see from the time this thread hit page 2 that this is how it would end..... So go figure....
And all I am saying Shireen is that in the first post he was already making it a racist post. He was the first one to bring race into it. So fair point, i can see why you thought it would go the way you thought.
Quote by Shireen_Mids
Steady on with the insults .... newbie. mad

Just because you are not a newbie postie does not give you the right to make a statement like that.... Especially with the emoticon at the end....
FGS.... Is it any wonder that people start throwing insults rolleyes
Yep, fair point again. Going to edit it. Though I didn't call him a mixing fucker.......
What i find totally shocking, is that he has pinched part of the georgeous 'onlyme1981' nickname :shock:
Shame on you
He'll be pinching her avatar next lol
Quote by stevio
Postie he tried but so many lept on him accusing him of racism that he felt he had to respond.
Perhaps the real racists are the ones that try to smoother debate on a subject they dont like

I quite agree stevio
Quote by postie
When he starts putting problems down to less than 10% of the UK's entire population, then yeah, he's making it racist... if he'd argued and kept the race thing out of it, i would have siad fair enough to your point.

dunno All I know is that I could see from the time this thread hit page 2 that this is how it would end..... So go figure....
And all I am saying Shireen is that in the first post he was already making it a racist post. He was the first one to bring race into it. So fair point, i can see why you thought it would go the way you thought.
Though LL has chosen to flee the mayhem he created I am with Postie on this-he (LL) chose to represent the UK swingers as English-we do not all live in England who are representative of this community and he has not responded individually to me nor specifically to any of my posts.
Minx x x
Quote by Shireen_Mids
Really??? That's wierd because I never had that when I emigrated there.... I was never called a whinging pomme, I never had one Australian condem me because I was born in the UK.... I genuinely love the country and because of that I took on Australian Nationality...
The Australian's (and Kiwi's for that matter) welcome people who are happy to pitch in and try to get on... What they do object to is people who turn up in their country and bitch about everything... But then wouldn't you defend your country if a foreigner was doing the same about the UK??
Yes there are problems with this country, and yes I am aware that the grass is not always greener on the other side but as with anything.... Life is what YOU make of it....
Shireen (Proud to be Australian)

Shireen I have to add to this and while I feel we get on very well -I think you may have been mistaken on a few comments
"I agreed with some of what he was saying but the way he came across was not how I think he wanted it to..".. ( soz but I dont have the hang of muliple quotes yet sad )
He (leedslad ) was given ample opportunity to prove that he wasnt racist yet he hasnt to myself or the other members in here who have questioned him. I depise racism with a passion-wether it be against a fellow countryman or someone from 'other shores'.
I wait in anticipation...
Minx x x
So your point Minx is what?
Quote by Shireen_Mids
To be honest I may well upset a few people now but I dont really give a shit....
He has his opinions and while he may not have put them over as eloquently as others could have I can see his point...
He isn't racist at all but just pointing out that the immigrations laws require some careful re-thinking....
I agreed with some of what he was saying but the way he came across was not how I think he wanted it to....
To be honest I knew it would come down to the racist comments as people are far too bluddy quick to jump it these days.... FFS what has happened to this world when everything you say if automatically jumped on as being non PC... rolleyes

okay shirleen... lets use his words......
Quote by LeedsLad1981
I think it’s more this country though that I hate. I mean isn’t it racist to have piggy banks now. Isn’t it racist to send our kids to school in anything to do with England ( Football) Come on government Wake up who’s F***ing country is this. Do we go to India or Pakistan and build churches in there country and tell them what they can and can’t do.

Quote by LeedsLad1981
Sorry if I sound like I’m about to put a gun to my head. It’s just I can see where this country is going. Each race is slowly being divided into there own areas. It’s just a matter of time before it all turns into one big riot. It’s going to happen it’s just a matter of when. Even the media have picked up on it. What’s the government doing to stop it? What can they do?

you'll notice that it is LeedLad using the Race stuff......
Quote by LeedsLad1981
OK you have an English man and a Refugee man both in this country. Now English man is homeless he has been homeless for 5 years. Refugee man is also homeless as his country is at war. Lets put the refugee man into a home to show we are a good country.
This is a day and age where there is enough money to take both these men and put them both into free homes and take care of them both.
Thats not the case. So imagine how the english man feels and why he feels like that.

since when is that the refugess fault...... and again i don't see between an ecomonic refugee and someone fleeing for there life.... all it came down to was "english" and "refugee"
Quote by LeedsLad1981
This is only one of the problems in this country though. Our involvement in Iraq was to be the result of 56 people all civilians killed in the 7 July 2005 London bombings. Now i would hate to be the one who got that phone call that day telling me one of my family had died.
This is all for what though to make England look good and to put us on the map.

then he went into a rant about 7/7
Quote by LeedsLad1981
I'm talking mosque in every city though. Every town even, In leeds i think there must be over 10 mosque. I'm not being racist don't matter if there white, black or fooking green, there still over populating our country. Leaving English / Brithis people without homes / jobs. Motorways are becoming caos. Hospitals / Doctors are becoming full.

again mentioning mosque.. and overpopulating OUR country.......and when challenged by both myself and serendity as to is he know just how many people in the NHS would be different etnicity.. he decided to ignore it....(the answer is somewhere around the 40% mark according to government reports)
want me to go on shirleen... because i have a lot more.....
Fabio if you are referring to me at least have the decency to spell my name correctly rolleyes
sorry... i was just so mad by what you had written i apologise for the typo......
he was the one who intially mentioned one else
sean .
Quote by stevio
Biwelsh he I do not believe he is speaking for the whole of the UK however, he is stating what appears to be the opinion of a large percentage of the population.
He is allowed his opinion
Medical staff teachers crucial workers etc from abroad, agreed they can help enrich our lifes and society but not all are that kind of migrant some are spongers and offer nothing prefering to create there own gettos, surely you do not see that as a possitive for society
I repeat well done leeds lad

Quote by stevio
So your point Minx is what?

My point is stevio old chap that LL has not responded to me specifically after numerous questions re his possible racist comments etc and some members (you included) have chosen to fight the battle for him-when I am sure LL is big enough to face his own demons.
Minx x x
Correct me if I misunderstand this thread...
It's OK to be proud of being anything except English. Being proud to be English is racist. Being proud to be anything else is absolutely wonderful.
Did I get that right? biggrin
Quote by Ice Pie
Correct me if I misunderstand this thread...
It's OK to be proud of being anything except English. Being proud to be English is racist. Being proud to be anything else is absolutely wonderful.
Did I get that right? biggrin

No Ice, the general start to the thread was its OK to live in the UK if u r English...anyone else seems to be persona non grata...
Minx x x
OK wasn't going to post again but i just want to get this streight.
Why should i prove to you than im Not Racist. Why where is it going to get you. I may have stated something that in my head is different to how you see it. Streight from the start of this post you jumped it with EVERYONE HE IS RACIS comments and where has that got you.
I stated Indians and Pakistanis FFS does that make me racist now. So we live in a world where we have to fucking ban piggy banks. An english tradition thrown in the bin becase of what? Because it makes us look racist Sorry but how do they work that out May as well stop serving pork in England. Ohh may as well let people walk around with bombs on there back aswell. Cant be telling them what they can and cant do now that would be an Insult.
We suppose to be Equal yet where the ones who's traditions are being taken ways. E.g Children cant say Black Board or sing the song Bar Bar Black Sheep.
Im off now to live my life and learn from whats out there.
Some nice people in here please dont fall out with eachother over someones opinion. I thought i was the 24 year old
Quote by Ice Pie
Correct me if I misunderstand this thread...
It's OK to be proud of being anything except English. Being proud to be English is racist. Being proud to be anything else is absolutely wonderful.
Did I get that right? biggrin

i don't have a problem, if you are proud be be english.. good for you, i love living here and wouldn't do so otherwise.... it was all off the other stuff he said that i am opposed to....
Steve and I both have our own views on immigration etc etc.... We dont choose to voice them on the forums but others do....
What you have all done is jump down his throat about what you consider to be an incorrect point of view.... Please feel free to make comments about what he has said, quote figures blah blah.... but fgs have a little bit more respect for other peoples points of view....
That's what has pissed me off more than anything tonight... A newbie comes on and because you dont know him you have slated him....
I have been on this site now nearly 2 years and I have seen more and more frequently this type of dismissal by the more regular posters.... To be honest it's becoming not only tedious but very predictable.... Even down to who will say what rolleyes