What is swinging
Well im a newbie, and having entered into this mysterious world, I thought I better make some effort and find out what it’s actually all about.
I was really thrown the other day when I accidentally found myself in the advert section, and kept reading the words ‘single guy looking for single woman’ or the other way around. Now I must admit this is not what I expected to find, so I then started questioning did I know anything about swinging at all. Was it just a way for people to find new partners to have sex replacing the old fashioned system of meeting in pubs or clubs. Oh the modern generation. Sorry for the use of the word sex using the modern term used by most single guys on here I mean shag.
Anyway being the sad old geezer that I am, I do nothing by half measures so I went on a search for the definition of swinging.
Definitiion of Swinger
(n.) One who swings or whirls. (im going to have to find a cheerleader then)
(n.) One who swinges.
(n.) Anything very large, forcible, or astonishing. (no chance for you under 7.5 inches chaps then)
(n.) A person who engages frequently in lively and fashionable pursuits, such as attending night clubs or discos.
(n.) A person who engages freely in sexual intercourse. (it means shagging)
Then I found this:
A Princess of Mars by Burroughs, Edgar Rice
The next day, when it came out of its hole for food, he took up his axe, but by swinging too hastily, missed its head and cut off only the end of its tail. (any ladies looking to wield an axe and cut off my tail, look elsewhere)
Category Description:
Swinging activities range from watching others have sex to having sex with your partner while being watched, to having sex with people other than your partner (which is the most common definition).(this is now peeking my interest:
Swinging is defined as, "social and sexual intercourse with someone other than your mate, boyfriend or girlfriend, excepting the traditional one-on-one dating. A good definition might perhaps be "recreational sex". In summary, swinging is for (mostly) heterosexual people who enjoy sex for its own sake, as opposed to purely within one relationship. Sex as a hobby.
THE GOOD NEWS FOR ME IS: Swingers lifestyle is based upon communication more than any other factor. So be warned ladies and couples out there, I’ve joined your circle and by god do I want to strengthen my knowledge of this lifestyle, so volunteers required for me to say hi, and yes please,
Am I taking this to seriously (get a life northeast male)