Argument/debate is a good thing. I would say an argument is one side of a debate. I know we all see two red face people in animated conversation and say they are arguing, but it is just a fight without impacts. An argument requires logic.
We have been married for 30 years and we argue about many things, we never result to fighting. Ranging from what colour to paint the living room, which Wendy normally wins, mostly because I just don’t care, to is there a God, which neither of us has won yet.
I love the forums on various sites and I love debate.
We are human beings, we have different opinions and ideas on just about everything in life and after it and before it.
I have been lucky and debates in forums have helped me understand things better, I have had my personal opinions re-affirmed by debates in forums, it has also been changed, I used to think that Bi-fem couples who would not consider meeting a guy if he was bisexual or bisexual couples were hypocrits providing all boundaries are respected, but forums, explanations and debate made me re-think what I believed.
I have strong opinions, but that does not mean I will not listen to your opinions and learn from them.
I have pretty high moral standards, and yes you can still do that, and be a swinger, we all have morals, or at least the majority of the human race have morals there are the odd exceptions.
Adolf Hitler had morals, he did not believe in the deliberate miss-treatment of animals and was a vegetarian for that reason.
The vast majority of people believe that there is an age limit to when a child should have sex.
Many think that Marriage and sex are sacred and only for the procreation of children or between two people in love.
Whatever your morals they should be respected and treasured.
I believe in honesty and that is probably the biggest moral I try to live my life by.
Our morals often bring us into debate or conflict.
I, like most dislike arguments, these occur when people do not respect each others views and opinions, sometimes you may be right, but in being right are you still wrong to impose your views and will on others ? ....... sometimes perhaps, If someone tells me it is ok to have sex with underage children I will argue (and more) until the cows come home, but if they tell me it is ok to cheat on thier partner I will disagree without argument, what they do is thier business and providing it does not involve me it is thier personal opinion and choice.
Arguments are inevitable, but should never be confused with a good old fashioned, debate, debate is discussion without repercussions, without abuse, and with respect for each other.
An argument is what you present. "His argument was that pigs did not need suncream because they were hairy".
OK I'm being picky. But carrying on in the spirit of the OP.
A debate is where both sides attack the subject.
An argument is where one or both sides attack each other (verbally - otherwise it's a fight).
If you attack the validity or veracity (worth or truth) of the other's position then you are also arguing rather than debating.
If it's about facts (time of sunrise in a given location for instance) neither debate nor argument are relevant and anyone that engages in it is daft - get a book or use Google ffs. But if it's about non-factual, probably opinion-based, stuff then you can debate or you can argue.
I would say that debate adds value - arguing doesn't. But you may disagree. :giggle:
one you talk with (debate) the other you talk at/to and ignore (argue)
an argument is an attempt to persuade someone of something, by giving reasons or evidence for accepting a particular conclusion
Debate or debating is a formal method of interactive and representational argument.
so in effect they are the same, just differant words.
interpretations eh of words. wonderful.:thumbup:
A debate is what happens before an argument.
An argument is what happnen before the thread gets locked.
When you are right, no matter what, and won't back down - that's an arguement.
When you have an opinion, but are prepared to be open minded about the final conclusion, based on valid reasoning - that's a discussion.
I will never argue. I hate confrontation just for the sake of it. I will back down, and have great delight in proving people wrong at a later date :twisted: