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What is the most daring and adventurous thing you have done?

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What is the most daring and adventurous thing you have ever done, apart from swinging?
Mine has to be static line parachute jumps. I must say I have a fear of flying so was quite happy to go up in a plane knowing I would be jumping out at 2000ft.
But when those engines cut I realise I had left my stomach and all my thought processes on the ground, the fear I felt. I jumped and counted and was so happy to look up and see the parachute open, the freedom I felt then was amazing, just floating down chute fluttering in the breeze was just Awesome!!!!
I really felt I achieved something.
What have you done?
I sobered up
Quote by Whipsnspurs
taking my clothes off in front of another man after 15years with the same one. i've done alot of other stuff but never felt so nervous in my life.
thankfully i couldn't have wished for a better person for my first time!

Mine was 28 years! lol
What is the most daring and adventurous thing you have ever done

I once tried to cook a real meal without "pinging" :smug:
Sam xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Quote by blonde
What is the most daring and adventurous thing you have ever done

I once tried to cook a real meal without "pinging" :smug:
Sam xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

don't forget the Dangerous Cooking Club extreeeeeme!
Quote by Theladyisaminx
What is the most daring and adventurous thing you have ever done, apart from swinging?
Mine has to be static line parachute jumps. I must say I have a fear of flying so was quite happy to go up in a plane knowing I would be jumping out at 2000ft.
But when those engines cut I realise I had left my stomach and all my thought processes on the ground, the fear I felt. I jumped and counted and was so happy to look up and see the parachute open, the freedom I felt then was amazing, just floating down chute fluttering in the breeze was just Awesome!!!!
I really felt I achieved something.
What have you done?

I don;t know about daring, but I absolutely loved my short spell of parachuting. I managed to progress beyond static line, through dummy ripcord pull and finally to 3 freefall jumps. I'm not sure which is the most exciting, being under canopy or under the sheets
mine would b posing for pics in a bbw mag a fair few years back was incredibly nerve wracking yet incredibly exciting at the same time :rascal:
Shit Flower, that was hairy :shock:
My neighbours once got into a similar situation in NY when a lorry drove into their car and drove away. They called the lorry company & got quite pushy, and were told to take it to a specific garage where it would be repaired as a goodwill gesture. Taking a mate along for backup, they turned up at the garage only to be told to leave the car & collect it the next day. No paperwork, they were just expected to trust them.
Things were becoming "sticky" when one of the guys from the garage saw my neighbours surname- (they're both academic Dr's and kept their own names.)
He took her to one side, and said "Ms ******, that's a good Italian name. Where you from?" To which she replied that her background was Sicilian.
He said "So, if I told you this place, and the lorry company was owned by the ******* family, would you get these guys the hell outta here?"
She bustled them out, and when they were a long way out of there informed them that they'd just been getting shirty with one of the most notorious Mafia families in New York! :shock:
The car?
Returned next day- better than it went in, and with a valet thrown in :!:
I had a couple of hairy moments whilst traverlling and going in to bars.
1 in Australia which turned out to be a bikers bar, 2 guys came in sat next to me and said " your either a tourist or a dickhead being in here" my reply was probable both, we then proceeded to have several rounds of drinkies till they left. Later a very large guy walked in straight behind the bar into the back room, followed by his very muscle bound minder. When he came out I got the look that said "what do you think you are doing drinking in my bar" :shock: I made a quick bolt
2 In Thailand in a bar was getting chatted up by a lady who was giving signals to a guy on the other side of the bar. again a quick :bolt:
3 In Moscow I let myself be lured away by 2 very sexy girls in a taxi only to find myself about 1 hours drive away from my hotel. A young lad drove up in a brand new blacked out Golf GTI and started to talk to the girls, he was going to drive off but I convinced him to give me a lift back. Considering this was 1994 it would be safe to bet that was a very close call :shock:
Whilst in Moscow I actully went up in a Mig 25 fighter so that was propable the most exciting thing I ever did. :thrilled:
I inhaled. It is a habit I have not broken. I inhale more than 120 times an hour. Mostly more than that. That first lung full of air has lunched me a dream of an adventure. One day I may awaken, but for the moment, in, out, in , out....
I joined this site.
The Kielder Challenge.

It was the most amazing/exhausting/challenging/emotional thing I've ever done :shock:
Para-gliding, :shock: I was extremely terrified, but I did it. biggrin
1. giving my teenage son driving lessons
2. going to eureka xmas party dressed as a pink fairy
3. watching a bloody big lion eating a zebra from about 10 feet away in the massai mara
all terryfiying, and i hate the sight of blood (all3)
Quote by jaymar
The Kielder Challenge.

It was the most amazing/exhausting/challenging/emotional thing I've ever done :shock:

That looks great....was it enjoyable or stressful? How did your team do?
I decided that I would cycle alone through Malaysia and Thailand. I had some very hairy moments, having to just throw up a mosquito net and sleep wherever. I also had a policeman try to assault me...very, very scary...but I guess to be expected as a western female cycling in the middle of nowhere. That sounds a bit negative....although the trip took me to physical extremes I could never have imagined and pushed me to my mental limits, it was the best/most exciting and rewarding thing I've ever achieved!!
Quote by Bjlips2008
The Kielder Challenge.

It was the most amazing/exhausting/challenging/emotional thing I've ever done :shock:

That looks great....was it enjoyable or stressful? How did your team do?
It was both! lol We came 70th out of 100 so wasn't a complete washout haha. The worst bit in my opinion was building the bivvy on the Saturday night in the forest and sleeping back to back 6 of us under one tiny bivvy, not nice confused
Left and divorced my Ex and moved 300 miles away from where I grew up.
Padi scuba diving great personal cost.
and many business related ones that I won't bore you with.
I thrive on abit of adventure smile
anyone fancy organising a rock-climbing and base-jumping social?
Quote by __random_orbit__
anyone fancy organising a rock-climbing and base-jumping social?

Count me in... but my body may have to take a raincheck sad
Quote by Peanut
anyone fancy organising a rock-climbing and base-jumping social?

Count me in... but my body may have to take a raincheck sad
every 'body' can take part, we may need crash-mats
Whilst serving in HM forces, on being informed that we had to go on week-end excercise at short notice, wrote a letter to my CO informing him that I had made prior arrangements (with GF) and would have to decline his gracious RPYC, but assured him I would be back on duty at 0800 hrs. on Monday. Got 7 days detention for my devotion to Queen and Country!! (I was a little immature at the time.....)
Doing over 70 on the motorway redface
Quote by buckingfabe
Doing over 70 on the motorway redface

Are you surprisedops: because that's the most daring thing you've done, or because you went over 70 MPH? lol
Quote by Freckledbird
Doing over 70 on the motorway redface

Are you surprisedops: because that's the most daring thing you've done, or because you went over 70 MPH? lol
Well obviously it's because I'm embarrassed about breaking the law FB. You know how law abiding we teachers are. :angel:
Quote by buckingfabe
Doing over 70 on the motorway redface

Are you surprisedops: because that's the most daring thing you've done, or because you went over 70 MPH? lol
Well obviously it's because I'm embarrassed about breaking the law FB. You know how law abiding we teachers are. :angel:
Absolutely - that's what I thought :giggle: